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  1. O

    First outdoor grow 2012

    Nice buds Lowlifes. I know this is an old topic but it may help others regarding the use of fish emulsion. Through lessons in other post on RIU, I decided to alternate 1 tbsp./g H2O Jack's Classic one week, then 1 tbsp. fish emulsion and 1 tbsp. blackstrap molasses per gallon H20 the other...
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Thanks Sniper. I don't know when they started flowering because I didn't keep track. I am pulling her on September 20, 14 days after I stopped the nutes. She is looking good but I have found some bud worns, six of them. I am checking twice a day now, or more. Some weed fell off during the...
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    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    Thanks Rumple for your excellent tutorial.
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey all, This is my first grow. This site has helped me so very much to getting the girl to this point. Thanks to all that took time to post answers to others' questions. I started with 6 seeds, four germinated, left with one girl. She's a Northern Lights. For nutes, I used fish...