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  1. purplehayse

    Qoutable Qoutes

    The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. -- Socrates
  2. purplehayse

    is shooming in public ok

    Dont get me wrong but, shroomin is an awsome experience. I think that doing them in public is a waste of the drug. Granted yes.. you will moderately trip but the anxiety of not letting go isnt worth it at all. To trully enjoy them you need to be in the woods or in nature with a few people...
  3. purplehayse

    hmm Ganja.

    YAY.....right now it shows that ganjaglutin is online....
  4. purplehayse

    hmm Ganja.

    Darn....Ill miss ganja, he is a very intelligent person.
  5. purplehayse

    what you on right now :)

    Im currently on .2gs molly and some good as herb....feeling like amilli amilli amilli dollars...WooT
  6. purplehayse

    BZP and TFMPP reports..anyone?

    How can it just be extinct?
  7. purplehayse

    BZP and TFMPP reports..anyone?

    Damn...It is deffinately time for an acid re-revoloution. #1 drug in my opinion, really lets you see things for what they really are and no bullshit.
  8. purplehayse

    BZP and TFMPP reports..anyone?

    True... maybe its different where you live but I have been on the prowl for my good ole pall cid for nearly 3 years now with zero success. It will be a very, very excellent time when I do find some though.:hug:
  9. purplehayse

    BZP and TFMPP reports..anyone?

    Would you recomend the tmpff and what dosage have you taken. Any noticeable side effects?I read that mixing the two can be very interesting and is basically what most "party pills" in the UK are composed of but leave you with a nasty hangover
  10. purplehayse

    BZP and TFMPP reports..anyone?

    Hey guys just wondering if any of you have every tried either or both of these. I have a friend that is bringing a quite a bit of this home and just want to know what I have to look forward to.:hump:
  11. purplehayse

    How To Grow Magic Mushrooms

    Would putting my friuting shrooms under a 400W hps light be benificial or harmfull compared to using a floro?
  12. purplehayse

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bump, NY diesel for the win:twisted:
  13. purplehayse

    oohooo that smell!!

    I sure hope so
  14. purplehayse

    oohooo that smell!!

    I just harvest a few plant and they smelled dank as hell after drying and puting into jars. On day 3 both jars-o-bud lost all the dank ass smell. I did burp the jars twice a day for about a half hour. Any reasons for this or advice so this doenst happen again??
  15. purplehayse

    First grow gowing slow budget cfl

    I agree that they were nute burned and now stunted... No nutes to seedling. Otherwise, enjoy the hobby
  16. purplehayse

    weed and coke?

    Shit 40-50 for a g, send me and O or 4
  17. purplehayse

    Coco Growers Unite!

    :-PI love the thread. I have been growing in coco for a few years now and have been using ph levels anywhere from 6-7. I am definately going to drop it to 5.5 now seeing the results you guys have. I am always trying to adjust my nute levels thinking that they are the root of the problems but...
  18. purplehayse

    Hows it look?

    I vegged mine for 4 weeks, next time i will go a few more weeks to hopefully get them a bit taller. I have 7' to use and these are only around 18" tall.
  19. purplehayse

    Hows it look?

    errrr. I mean veg?
  20. purplehayse

    Hows it look?

    Looking very nice, how long do you flower?