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  1. GrowinTheDank

    Snorted Molly

    i don't see how a man could ever feel comfortable squirting drugs into his asshole. no matter how bad i want to get high i doubt i will ever take that route....
  2. GrowinTheDank

    Does weed intensify psychedelics

    I have to say I can agree with not noticing the smoke when tripping. I find myself able to take massive rips that one would think a person could not handle unless they were under the influence of something; in this case, LSD. However, I can definitely feel confident in crediting marijuana for...
  3. GrowinTheDank

    Does weed intensify psychedelics

    I've only tripped once, but you won't catch me without a fat jar of weed if I'm plannin' on trippin again.
  4. GrowinTheDank

    My silkroad experiance

    Lets all just stay on our shit when using the road so this revolutionary era we are embarking upon lasts as long as possible. Staying on our shit entails things such as: -Always use the Tails USB Operating System when accessing Tor -Never fail to encrypt your messages and remember to keep...
  5. GrowinTheDank

    My silkroad experiance

    The DEA is stymied when it comes to SR. They haven't a clue what to do and DPR hasn't been worried about SR's national coverage for quite some time now. As for SR becoming the main source for street drugs; I'm going to have to say I believe we are in and a part of this process right now. I...
  6. GrowinTheDank


    I got a picture of the batch that I'll probably be ordering from.
  7. GrowinTheDank


    You know what, now you've got me thinking; Why in the hell am I taking untested drugs?! I'm gonna place myself a small order down the road from a reputable vendor, pickup a Marquis kit and see exactly what I'm working with. If it turns then I'll feel confident in distributing the substance to...
  8. GrowinTheDank


    Yeah, after reading what you've posted here..I'm gonna have to conclude that you've either: 1) Got 0 experience whatsoever with drugs 2) You aren't old enough to be on this website. ............. Nice apology attempt tho...late.
  9. GrowinTheDank


    Thank you for the information. This statement just irks me. Did you not read the first paragraph of this thread or what?
  10. GrowinTheDank


    Lets all be honest here..there comes those times when you're gonna roll on what your connect dropped you when you don't have a test kit on you. I understand the ideal method of clarifying what you're about to ingest would be to use a test kit. However, for the sake of this discussion let us just...
  11. GrowinTheDank

    they will be amending I-502 in washington

    Businesses such as the tobacco industry will not be setting up shop simply because they are waiting for full legalization. I can assure you they are and have been preparing for quite some time now. Just watch how fast your gas stations fill up with Marlboro Marry packs when the day comes lol.
  12. GrowinTheDank

    whimps and lightweights, pussies and nancyboys

    I always take it sublingually. Part of that reason is because I love to rub the crystals all over my gums and bottom of my tounge+the taste is honestly an enjoyable part of the experience for me:mrgreen: Do you prefer to just swallow the caps or snort or what?
  13. GrowinTheDank

    To the benzo affianados

    How much Klonopin are you taking at once for you to deem it 'more hardcore'? In my experience klono is far from hardcore..Especially in comparison with Xanax.
  14. GrowinTheDank

    Welcome to Roll it up :)

    I think he probably is.
  15. GrowinTheDank

    Welcome to Roll it up :)

    Not much you know jus laughin at your grows and enjoying the success of others.
  16. GrowinTheDank

    How the hell do I get a male plant from TGA!?!?!?!

    I always thought it was just luck of the draw with regular seeds. Honestly though, I wouldn't do anything to induce a male plant if you are trying to breed. You want the strongest, healthiest male you can grow to cross with your ladies.
  17. GrowinTheDank

    My ultimate grow room!!!(any tips or advice or compliments)

    He's cool, even took time to send me an apology PM. Not everyone is used to being a part of a community. I'd say he learned quick and went about fixing his mistake like a man though. I say we all cut him some slack on this one and just enjoy any updates he gives us on this kick ass room :leaf:
  18. GrowinTheDank

    My ultimate grow room!!!(any tips or advice or compliments)

    Room looks great man. Hope to see some top shelf dank gettin' pulled outta your ultimate grow room. I'll be building my ultimate grow room one day; threads like this make it hard to wait!! Happy growin :leaf:
  19. GrowinTheDank

    My ultimate grow room!!!(any tips or advice or compliments)

    ..I'm waiting for the punch line
  20. GrowinTheDank

    My ultimate grow room!!!(any tips or advice or compliments)

    If you ever get time I for one would appreciate a detailed explanation of your irrigation system. Shit looks perfect I'd love to replicate some day lol.