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  1. C

    flood and drain didn't drain, what to do?

    I checked out a few other threads with people doing ebb and flo systems using hydrotron and the only ones who were not feeding at night were those who were in veg. I am worried abotu teh roots drying out in the 12 hour night in hydrotron. I imagine a rockwool cube would retain some water, far...
  2. C

    flood and drain didn't drain, what to do?

    What type of medium do you use?
  3. C

    flood and drain didn't drain, what to do?

    That makes a lot of sense. I have followed a few threads with people using the titan system with hydrotron and they all water once in the night. Is this to keep the roots from getting too dry? I will look into this, thank you for pointing it out! photosynthesis: Water +CO2 ----light--->...
  4. C

    flood and drain didn't drain, what to do?

    Thanks for all your advice. After I fixed the issue with the float valve, I went to bed. My timer is set to water once at lights off and I left it like that. I checked on them right when they woke up this morning and it wasn't good. I have four plants, three looked lifeless and almost dead...
  5. C

    flood and drain didn't drain, what to do?

    I have a titan flo and gro system. Sometime today, the float valve got stuck. The pump somehow got wedged up beside it and my system never drained. It could of been like that for about 9 hours max. I am not sure what time during the day the float got stuck. My system is fixed now, but I...
  6. C

    How should I set up multiple air cooled vertical lights?

    I may have to get more creative with cooling my lights, I'm really stuck on this one!! My location is pretty sweet though. My attic is not shared. My apartment is on the very end and for some reason the attic is completely seperated, I'm not sure why it was built that way. I know the owner...
  7. C

    How should I set up multiple air cooled vertical lights?

    I will be using 3 lights, either 400 or 600 watt depending on a few things. I try to always use 400 in the hot summer months to cut down on electricity. I like using higher wattage bulbs in the winter instead of having to heat my room. I am currently running two 600's and one 400 and...
  8. C

    How should I set up multiple air cooled vertical lights?

    I am still stumped on this one. I went around the complex and no one has ac units in the windows. I really do not want to stick out. I feel like using attic air for intake would work. It's not ideal, I know. 4-5 months out of the year I would have to deal with very hot attic temps. If I up...
  9. C

    How should I set up multiple air cooled vertical lights?

    I think pulling from the attic is the most viable option for me. If I pull from the room, I would have to add a bunch of carbon scrubbers to my set up. I suppose that is an option, butI get nervous exhausting air that has had contact with my room. I don't want to leak smells at all, I am in...
  10. C

    How should I set up multiple air cooled vertical lights?

    I am unsure of how to proceed in setting up my room. I will be running three to four setups in my room. Each setup will be one vertical air cooled hps and a few plants surrounding it. I can only pull air from above the room in the attic. I am not sure what the best way to run my duct work...
  11. C

    Thanks for your idea of using that liquid rubber, that could really work. I have used plastic...

    Thanks for your idea of using that liquid rubber, that could really work. I have used plastic, expensive thick plastic that ripped and was not effective at all. because of my lcoation, it's tough to discreetly bring all that plywood in. I have three total rooms that i woudl love to protect...
  12. C

    Need some help setting up a room for titan flo and gro

    My titan flo and gro system will be here on Friday and I have a few questions on setting up my room. I have two grows under my belt, but the were both aeroponic and horizontal. This will be a vertical ebb and flow, I have a lot to learn before Friday!! I am not sure how to build something that...