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  1. B

    Are LED Grow lights any good ?

    so lots of people disagree with me ... what exactly do you disagree with ? the fact that only expensive LED's work ? The fact that i bought a shitty one off ebay to see for myself ??? why dont you go back and think of something more constructive to say !! i posted this because i had no info on...
  2. B

    Red Stems?

    Yeah I got red stems on my two fems. Doesn't mean they are male. It's the nutes ... Mine have a (mg) and (p) deficiency but if you feed them the right nutes they will go green again in a week
  3. B

    Red stem ???

    Five weeks old and she is starting to get a red stem. I googled it and ppl say it's the nutes ? I'm using ionic grow I feed once every two weeks and water every three days. They in a 50/50 mix of compost and coco (experimental) the reg plant is about 2foot tall but the feminized plant is only...
  4. B

    New To This. Indoor Plant Help!
  5. B

    New To This. Indoor Plant Help!

    The males will pollenate your females so the she will use all her energy on seeds rather then bud ;)
  6. B

    Are LED Grow lights any good ?

    The answer is ... Yes if you want to spend a lot of money on a powerful one. I have used the cheap ones off eBay myself. They don't work trust me. Invest in some cfls they are the best but don't get shitty household ones get the real cfl grow lights. I use 150w 6500k for veg and 300w 2700k for...
  7. B

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    I'm am using 150w cfl on 2 big buds(bomb seeds) for veg and four weeks in they are doing great. I have 300w red spec cfl for flowering I don't see why people ain't much for cfls I think they are great.