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  1. S

    NIRVANA Northern Lights/ Jock Horror First Timer

    anyone know anything about or ever ordered from them? What are your experiences?
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    NIRVANA Northern Lights/ Jock Horror First Timer

    Hey y'all, Day 35 here. Height is coming in at 20 inches, introduced the Tiger Bloom today with the Grow Big and Big Bloom and molasses. Soil ph 6.3. CalMag and Bud Candy are coming soon just ordered today. Pretty excited for these next few weeks, getting all last minute supplies to get me...
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    NIRVANA Northern Lights/ Jock Horror First Timer

    Introduced the GB, BB of the Fox Farm line, was trying to raise the soil ph this time, put 6.7 going in and 6.0 came out.Any suggestions on raising that? The new tent came in and was a snap setting up, one of my veg lamps broke so now she's got the blackstar 240w and a 300w equivalent cfl and...
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    NIRVANA Northern Lights/ Jock Horror First Timer

    heres the lil lady, Day 25, shes showin those preflower pistils 18cm tall, tent should be here next weeek
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    NIRVANA Northern Lights/ Jock Horror First Timer

    Day 17, as you can see the new pots arrived, the roots were taking over the cup so i transplanted and watered, been giving a dry ice co2 treatment every other day during the "night" period. My UltraViolet is almost ready for planting as well.
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    NIRVANA Northern Lights/ Jock Horror First Timer

    Day 14, 6.1ph going in, 6.3ph coming out. New pots should be delivered here any minute now. Lost the Jock Horror, will be starting a UltraViolet bean tonight !!
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    NIRVANA Northern Lights/ Jock Horror First Timer

    thats cool i got it, nifty little setup, gonna start with the two when they get here, i moved them under the Blackstar for the 20/4. watered today ph runofff 6.7... NL 7cm, JockHorror 2cm pretty sure the Jock Horror didnt make it thru, if that is the case im going with a Samara UltraViolet when...
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    NIRVANA Northern Lights/ Jock Horror First Timer

    transplanted to the new pots with the FFOF mix until my 2gal airpots arrive. they are still goin so i didnt disturb the roots too much :) the NL is 6cm and the JH is 2cm
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    NIRVANA Northern Lights/ Jock Horror First Timer

    im looking for a good veg lamp, i was originally going to to do what you did on your "half assed cfl " with multiple lights in one socket, but if i can get it all in onewithout breaking the bank would be ideal. will this bulb work even though its not specifically for plants...
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    NIRVANA Northern Lights/ Jock Horror First Timer

    i guess i learned my lesson not baking the EarthGro potting soil before i use it, i knew i shouldve started in the FFOF Mix..baking now and transplanting hopefully im not too late.
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    NIRVANA Northern Lights/ Jock Horror First Timer

    i looked this morning and i see white very small parasite looking worms in the soil at the bottoms of the cups, should i transplant to new dirt? @ Amaximus thanks for the tips
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    NIRVANA Northern Lights/ Jock Horror First Timer

    heres the ladies at day 7, Facts: Lights -starting under two 120w plant lights, one for each. finishing off with a 300w cfl 2700k and a blackstar 240w flowering LED Soil - Cups started with generic potting soil, figured if they needed more nutrients in the soil I would be the provider within...
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    Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower Grow

    hmmmm molasses.. thanks for the tip, just add to the water?