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  1. W

    Fun Things to Do When Stoned

    i love the snow skating behind the car but one of my friends did it and the car hit a snow bank he flew into the back of it and broke his jaw and then the people he was with eft him there all alone so be careful
  2. W

    question about the nivana seeds

    k im more curious about being caught or getting f-ed over for buying or having them shipped to me...?
  3. W

    smoking near grow room?

    idk i would see it as if u have dank ur kinda showing it to grow up like it and to be dank but i wouldnt think it would do much harm its just some smoke and co2 from u? its not like ur putting the plants in a box and baking them in...
  4. W

    question about the nivana seeds

    so im curious anyone live in the states and use it? been caught? any advice if i did order from them? *nirvana*
  5. W

    Fun Things to Do When Stoned

    ya ill go along with the guitar. Base and drums are great too. i love walking around to random places. My best freind finds it funny to video tape the entire time were blazed and then watch it sober. if there is an ocean near by smoking on the beach and watching waves is sick too.
  6. W


    ive always heard and read ur supposed to flush it for 7 days then put it in the dark with light on for an hour or two a day max cause when its dark the sticky is mainly released