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  1. andycrapp

    Just a theory, what do you think?

    The 72 hours during flowering will produce hermies, I have had great fully formed colas, that have received bad weather (low light and plenty of rain) during last few weeks, and when you broke open the head you could see where the female flowers have started to form the start of seed pouches...
  2. andycrapp

    Fatter buds! Help me i dont know what im not doing right!

    I noticed the yellow leaves, I dont know if its from nute burn or watering leaves while light is on, or maybe some burn from refelected light, increasing amounts of fertilizer does not give bigger buds, big buds come from genetics and healthy grow conditions, I doubt CO will do anything at this...
  3. andycrapp

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Great information, very similar to my style of growing, perhaps thats why I like it.
  4. andycrapp

    Yellowing and confirmed dead?

    Its not dead I think you have nutrient burn, that is the main cause of yellowing and the tips of the leaves will go brown. I dont know if you are using Flood and Drain or soil, or some other medium or watering method, I would suggest using water with a neutral PH for the next few days. Plants...
  5. andycrapp

    lots of amber trics at the top of the plant, but mostly clear everywhere else??

    Got to agree with the others you have to relax and wait a few weeks longer, just think how much better the smoke will be when you finally harvest, lovely looking heads, now i know why they call the strain white castle.
  6. andycrapp

    1st attempt at SCROG

    thanks for the good advice should I train and weave thru the net the main stem, you think no nitrogen during last 6 weeks of flowering is a good idea, by your pic you know your stuff, how long have they been flowering and what strain are they. Again thanks
  7. andycrapp

    1st attempt at SCROG

    I would like any feedback by people who have done a SCROG grow, what is the best type of mesh ie Metal Chicken wire, or a nylon mesh (where you can make larger holes where you need it). I am growing in soil for the 1st time indoors and it is looking good, a question about nutrients, I am in an...
  8. andycrapp

    4th Week Of Flower Pics.

    Great set up I can only see one potential problem, apparently foil is not the best cover for the walls, it produces reflective hotspots that may burn plants in ssamll areas. Buds are looking great Congrats
  9. andycrapp

    Distance of 1000w hps in 4x4 for optimum yield?

    'I think 18"s ideal , the heat test on the hand is a good test. When you move over to the flowering stage you should be moving your lamp up every 2nd day, well thats my experience.
  10. andycrapp

    A Question of Temperature ??????

    Firstly I have learnt so much from reading a lot of your posts and thank you all for the extensive lessons. A bit about my grow history I have been growing for approx 30 years outside and have recently last 3 years moved inside. I live in a part of Australia where daytime temps can reach 42C...
  11. andycrapp

    Update on 9000W sealed flower room. Day 1 of Flower (Red Diesel, Tahoe OG kush)

    My first post here, I have been growing pot since I was 14 and have rarely missed an outside grow, but over the last 4 years I have moved inside and am impressed by your setup.