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  1. screw

    heat burn help!!!!!

    I am growing cheese right now and it is at 2 weeks flowering and a large female. the plant is very tall and i lolly popped it to make one large cola. The lolly pop technique didn't really work but hey im waffling. I left my grow room for 2 days and my heat lamp had moved and was angled to the...
  2. screw

    are these spider mites?? cant tell (PICS)

    They look like spider mites to me but the pictures aren't that clear. the reason i say they are spider mites is because of the yellow spots on the leaves. I had spider mites but they were black. the yellow spots on the leaves indicates sugars being lost in the plant which is what the mites feed...
  3. screw

    Check out my

    Thanks for that. i have just finished the course of Molasses i was intending to give them anyway so all good. although i was told that Mollasses would fatten up the buds? I have heard many different theories on Mollasses and not sure what to believe. I am only a few weeks from harvest time so...
  4. screw

    Check out my

    First grow with Molasses and have found no reason to leech soil.I have seen some more growth spurts on my Plant on the right! some people think not enough light but not sure if i can bend the colas enough, any thoughts? Happened early on and swapped plants around and sorted it for a few weeks...
  5. screw

    Check out my

    Hey guys thought i would post some pics of my cheese to see what anyone thinks. They have been grown organically using only molasses and bottled water. I used a pre, organic soil mix from a garden centre. i have them under one 250w sodium lamp, and have a crude CO2 set up(yeast and sugar set...
  6. screw

    Fly Agaric Down My Road!

    Can anyone tell me if they think these mushrooms are Fly agaric. I found them down my road near a silver birch tree. there is also some in a nearby garden that are much bigger. I was thinking of drying the caps and then smoking them? any advice would be much appreciated!!!!
  7. screw

    Cheese cultivation

    Sorry haven't been chatting for a while been on organics forum as i am growing my Cheese organically.i have got some more pics of my cheese to see what you guys think, they are 4 weeks flowering and i haven't been feeding them anything but bottled water. the buds are well sugary but think i need...
  8. screw

    Nutes needed?

    Thanks phatkix, i will look into these products, are they easy to get hold of? I will post some pictures to see what you think. how quickly will the mollasses take effect?
  9. screw

    need some help last thread no replys

    will have a look at these products! do you think my plants look alright for no nutes or do you think they need help? also how long do the products you use take to help the plant? Just had a look and the fert u use is for hydro do you know any good for soil? sorry should have said that
  10. screw

    need some help last thread no replys

    I need some advice for the flowering period for my cheese plants. i have 2 plants and are in week 3 of flowering. i am not using any feed for them and i would like to know what is the best organic product when flowering. the buds are well sugary and are looking like they will be fattish but i...
  11. screw

    Nutes needed?

    I am growing cheese right now and have just used a compost which was rich in nutrients to keep my girls feed for 8 weeks. Now they are 11 weeks and 3 weeks into flowering and the buds are nice and sugary but don't look that fat. is there any thing i can use which is organic? cause my last grow i...
  12. screw

    Does any one know of a good strong purple strain to grow?

    Cheers guys will maybe order soon. also do you know what is the best blue strain, blueberry,blue cheese. as i am growing cheese right now i thought blue cheese could be a good one next, do you think a blue and a purple would grow well together?
  13. screw

    Does any one know of a good strong purple strain to grow?

    I really like the taste of some nice purple haze and think it would look cool when growing, but it has never been as strong as a cronic. Does any one know of a real strong strain of purple that is around?
  14. screw

    Should it be tall or should it be short?

    Yeah does make sense. Maybe i shouldn't of topped soo much but they were growing soo tall! maybe it is just the strain. do you know if dwarf strains are any good? i have researched few on picknmix seeds and look really nice. do you know if you get a lot of bud from them? the site said wonder...
  15. screw

    Should it be tall or should it be short?

    Thanks desertrat. I am kinda asking for my next grow but my plants are getting well high now and might reach the light which is about 2 m high. should i bend the branches down when they get too high? is there any other way?
  16. screw

    Should it be tall or should it be short?

    I am growing Cheese right now and it is very tall! i have topped it and topped it but now it is flowering i cant top no more. Does any one think it is better to flower them earlier than 6 weeks old so they grow shorter and more dense? do you get less bud off a smaller plant or should they grow...
  17. screw

    Cheese cultivation

    Finally Got those pics of my Cheese monsters, in one pic i put a 5 ltr bottle at the bottom so you can see the actual size of me girls. They are now 9 weeks old and have been flowering for one week. i got the seeds from green house, feminized. Some say that the best cheese comes from Big Buddah...
  18. screw

    Question on sexing

    it is true that males grow quicker than females and it does sound like you do have a male, which is sad! but wait a little while. if the pods grow off on a stem and get bigger that is def a male. if the little balls shoot little white hairs it is a hermy. either way i would cut it. but just wait...
  19. screw

    Odd growth close-up pics

    i have had a few grows now and to be honest it looks like you have a mutant plant, which can happen with mass genetics. they look like they are far behind the growth they should be. get rid of the foil, make sure there is enough air and circulation in there and no nutrients. grow them with kid...
  20. screw

    Cheese cultivation

    I am growing cheese right now. before had a few females of bubble gum and showed off my girls, but the cheese i have now is breath taking. has any one grown cheese and seen how quick it grows? Pictures will follow soon. they are about 70 cm and 8 weeks. pinched the tops out 6 or 7 times. they...