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    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    I like that they use Osram. Do you know of any other company using Osram besides these guys and RhinoGrow?
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    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Anyone know anything about these new panels called KIND? They look pretty crazy, i'm interested to know the price...
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    Hand Cleaners

    Search Detroit Led Growlight on facebook, he hooked me up with free samples. Yes the website it
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    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Ya, i own 4 Rhino 400s. Im using them as supplemental lighting along side of a 1000watt HPS. The results have been Amazing, im having trouble getting my video up, but ill have something up soon. Cheers
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    Hand Cleaners

    Have you ever heard of RhinoRub? My buddy owns the company and he said i could hook up some samples if you were will to try it out and give some feedback...
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    Hand Cleaners

    There are a a lot of new hand cleaners hitting the market. Just wanted to see what works and what doesn't...
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    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Was anyone at the max yield expo in Michigan? There was a few cool LED's there
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    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Has anyone ever tried using this stuff called RhinoRub to get resin off your hands? I just got a free sample at this pot expo. Any thoughts?
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    Led Users Unite!

    those 5watts will give you higher par values past 12inch, but right now im under the impression that higher watts isnt reallty what you think. 3 1watt diodes are alot stonger then 1 3watt diode. Buy hey its your money. Its pretty funny how people with no real led knowlage buy up the so called...
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    Led Users Unite!

    Yeah they are great guys there. Email them... Im sure they will hook you up.
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    Led Users Unite!

    What week is that pic from?
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    Led Users Unite!

    yes this is mine. not to hard to keep the heat sinks clean at all. I really like the fact that this unit has no movable parts.
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    Led Users Unite! RhinoGrow 400 series...
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    Led Users Unite!

    Those Rhino's are bad a$$. Do you own any?
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    Led Users Unite! ill have a new video soon. Anyone else thats want to show proof that their cheap LED's work as well as the high end one be my guest. Ive have read alot of hype on here without seeing any results.
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    Led Users Unite!

    Yeah i guess you could say that. I dont really look at it like that though. I paid $550 for a unit that has more to do with then just wattage. Why do BMW owners pay so much for a car when a Ford can get you from point A to point B the same? If you want high end then you have to spend... The...
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    Led Users Unite!

    No i paid $2200 for the 4, Sick deal... Yes the watts are correct, things are kicking ass. Hoping for a pound off this grow, but the juicy fruit are low yeilders so we will see.
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    Led Users Unite!

    RhinoGrow the best LED out there! IMO
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    Led Users Unite!

    Here is the grow so far. Each unit cost about $20 a month to run.
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    Led Users Unite!

    Well you might be right about that. I flowered 2 plants in a 2x4 room with 1. Got good results about 85% of the yeild I got from 2 plants in my HPS room. Mind you I have 12 plants under 2000watts in that room. I'm no expert as well, just telling you what I've seen and done. I'm currently...