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  1. skippy pb

    The world gunna end in 2012 omfg!!!

    HOLY CRAP the worlds gunna end in 2012 OMG!!!1!1!! what are we going to do??? Everyone send me your money and bongs/buds/paraphenilia. Its all going into a "time capsule" so someone can "discover it in the future" Whos down! :bigjoint:
  2. skippy pb

    Urgent help with $100,000 setup!

    could be too much or too little of something . mine have looked like that from to much water and from not enough water. it might just be stress that causes the leaves to curl like that.
  3. skippy pb

    never smoked weed help!!!

    thats the advice you give someone whos about to do shrooms, acid, heroin or something like that. My advice is make sure you dont forget a lighter. everyone wants to take the short cut but there isn't one. you cant replace experiance some things just grow on you
  4. skippy pb

    Sickest bong ever!

    This is one of those high post, the kind youll probably regret or think about later. Anyway theres a fair warning. Anyway I bought a piece way back when and when i got it, it wasn't much. Just this average bong with a red and white design on it. Didn't even have an ice catch or even a down...
  5. skippy pb

    Anyone pay for there email service?

    Do any of you guys pay for your email services. I dont really check my email all that much so ive just always used a free one? Anyway if you do pay for one, how is it and how much does it cost? I ask because im starting to build a race car and to sign up to another forum you need to have a...
  6. skippy pb

    Grow Site Busted!!!

    Yeah horrible idea. Thats crazy i would A never go back. And B think about moving in the near future.
  7. skippy pb

    "Package" returned to what?!

    Dude its a loss thats a fact. This guy tom put down a fake sender address and fake name. Tell tom to tell his aunt to not say shit and say idk what the fuck that was sent for and or who sent it. I mean im sure if they WANTED to they could easily find the recpieant then they could see where the...
  8. skippy pb

    Whos an OG here?

    Hey do any of you guys remember the site that used to advertise on here called mychoda? Im looking for another one of those that isn't sketchy. Any of you know of one?
  9. skippy pb

    Lil Wayne = The Best

    First of he aint bad, let me get that out of the way i listen to alot of his shit. But bottom line he cant spit cause his voice is all fucked up. His style is different because supposedly everything is a freestyle. If hes nice at spitting on the fly like he says then why did he turn down the...
  10. skippy pb

    Real Hip Hop

    GTFO wayne sucks dick. His shit is SICKKKK when hes feat. on someone elses song. He goes hard then but the carter 3 is a joke. Carter II shits on it everyone knows that. He just had so many bitches and fools on his dick it went platinum then the bar flatlined right after. Wayne aint bad. His...
  11. skippy pb

    Can i use seeds that came in a dime bag to grow????th

    yes but the seed origin is minor. cause unless your copping from rastas or your an idiot you shouldn't be smoking dirt weed. if the bud was good or atleast goood for seed bud. than the seed shall be fine
  12. skippy pb

    Safe grow states?

    how much for an ounce?
  13. skippy pb

    Safe grow states?

    im the laziest dude on the east coast. i dont wanna go cause all im going to wanna do in cali is eat, sleep, smoke, females, more smoke, race cars, smoke, chill and some more smoke.
  14. skippy pb

    Why the fuck was i delelted for??- admins only please.

    Rep and post counts are a negative to the system. i hate post that go "help me and ill give rep" shit happens though sucks you had to reregister thats what id be pissed about
  15. skippy pb

    Took to many pills help me out

    Nah theres two types of retards. Selfish ones and non selfish ones. I do think of others. I wont even speed when my friends are in the car. If your the kind of guy that drives to mountain roads parks his car then jogs up the entire mountain that has no shoulder/side streets well man let me know...
  16. skippy pb

    Can i use seeds that came in a dime bag to grow????th

    Ive gotta a red/purple plant before. Stems were red buds where purple. There a whole bunch of different methods of growing. One of mine is creating the sickest bud ever. Some kid once through random seeds in the dirt and he got a the most crazy shit ive ever seen. never smoked it so i cant tell...
  17. skippy pb

    Can i use seeds that came in a dime bag to grow????th

    So long as there brown and not white. White ones are immature and will not grow.
  18. skippy pb

    Took to many pills help me out

    Shit man, but wouldn't the amount i have in me be cut in half from what i had before? Since i took them at different times and its been more than 12 hours since i first popped the pills? I mean it may not work like this but if i was going to die wouldn't i be dead already? I know your an...
  19. skippy pb

    Took to many pills help me out

    Yeah i get teh caffiene like buzz/shake where your bodys like always tingling and shaking sometimes. I think im gunna be alright but im just gunna sit here by the computer and phone and relax. play some xbox to pass the time. Not feeling bad at all right now.
  20. skippy pb

    Took to many pills help me out

    Anyway as of right now it came down alittle bit i think the bogey wore off. It lasted forever pretty crazy shit. Anyway i dont wanna jump the gun here as i feel like im coming down from it. I think that was just a peak cause in the beginning i thought the release times where over 8 hours so i...