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  1. B

    New to growing, a couple questions

    Thanks, I was hoping all night it wasnt too cold for my babies but I am going to go check on them in a little while... It got down to like 38 I think brrrrrrr.
  2. B

    New to growing, a couple questions

    Forgot to say the reason for moving them out there quicker is I figured the added wind would act as the fan and help stem growth.
  3. B

    New to growing, a couple questions

    Well, I went ahead and broght them out to the spot, figuring there isnt going to be a frost anytime according to the weather. If there is, they are still in cups for now until I dig the area so I could bring them back in for the frost. I ended up just taping the cups outsides so it would be dark...
  4. B

    New to growing, a couple questions

    Alright, that all sounds good. So as far as putting them outdoors I could do it anytime now regardless of plant size? If that is the case I am going to see if I can get hooked up with a small computer fan or something for a couple days while I ready the site and get everything else in line that...
  5. B

    How do you smoke?

    Haha, thats funny just because around me we all just usually smoke pipes and bowls with only the occasional bong, half the time homemade.:mrgreen: lol Maybe its more of an area thing? And dont get me wrong, I love a water bong but I just cant find one around here!
  6. B

    New to growing, a couple questions

    Hello everyone, I am sort of new to the growing scene though last year I got a beat plant that wasnt much to talk about and got it alive enough to give me some spare buds. Anyways I started about a week ago for the first time germinating so I am going to say this is about day 7. Right now I...