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  1. perdrick l. hapley


    Just relocated to the great pacific northwest myself. Its at least 4 billion times better than the south. Hope all is going well in your neck of the woods poly I'll be getting things going here pretty soon and god feels so good. Time to burn one down
  2. perdrick l. hapley

    share yer experience with sannies seeds

    i tried that and it didn't work, but at sannie's suggestion i tried registering in a different browser and BAM! totally worked. i guess for anyone with that problem try a different browser or minimizing your screen
  3. perdrick l. hapley

    Cree Bulb vs 23 Watt CFL Veg Out! Can Cree Take On The Light-Weight Champ?

    something i never would've thought to do.......thank you internet & Pet
  4. perdrick l. hapley

    NEED HELP TOPPING SHOULD I?? im not new but still learning (as ALWAYS will be)

    ok so first off, those plants look like they need a lot more light. are you flowering now? if you're still in veg clone away man. you might want to let your girl recover for at least a week or so before sending her into flower after taking cuttings. if you've already flipped to 12/12 i guess...
  5. perdrick l. hapley

    Moving on up!!! Punks 600w adventures

    what did you hit her with? also what's the genetics on that bitch? looks nice 'n sativa
  6. perdrick l. hapley

    share yer experience with sannies seeds

    I've tried signing up for opengrow a couple times over the past little while.....but there's some kind of glitch with their security code. it's not appearing so i can't enter it. pretty gayyy
  7. perdrick l. hapley

    Eating Cannabis oil cures cancer

    ummm just so you know the radiation used in chemotherapy isn't carcinogenic. it's the exact opposite. it's not poison, it's just a process that deliberately kills your body's cells hoping to eradicate all cancerous cells and the defective DNA that lead to the disease. cancer = uncontrolled cell...
  8. perdrick l. hapley

    Doggie Nutz....Northern Lights#1, Bubblegum, Blueberry

    I have literally never heard anyone say anything like this......i'm stunned anyone could want to pick up a strain (blueberry) and diss the man that made the damn strain! (dj short). good luck finding good genetics if you think dj's BB sucks
  9. perdrick l. hapley

    LED Haters

    how much total cfl light did you add? how big were those babies when you put them in flower?
  10. perdrick l. hapley

    share yer experience with sannies seeds

    got my beans yesterday (1 week after placing the order including a weekend) and I was blown away by the stealth......might be the highdea of the century lol I literally busted out laughing. yeah i unfortunately didn't get any freebies in there, but all the beans in both packs look good...
  11. perdrick l. hapley

    2.5 Month T-Break

    lol for the record I don't think it counts as a t-break if you have never smoked before (age 0-14), but damn some multi-year breaks that's impressive. last night was the most restful night of sleep i've had in the last 2.5 months. just TRY to tell me this isn't a medicine :sleep:
  12. perdrick l. hapley

    Moving on up!!! Punks 600w adventures

    man that poser is lookin legit as fuck
  13. perdrick l. hapley

    2.5 Month T-Break

    3 Hits of SSH and Your longest tolerence break? How destroyed did you get when you toked again? Oh man...... :eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
  14. perdrick l. hapley

    First All CFL Grow

    interesting, usually everything i hear is 'never mist in flowering' but i'm be curious to see your results. are you worried about mold at all? are you gonna continue misting deeper into flowering? do you use a surfactant? look at me......comrade question over here you're gonna lollipop those...
  15. perdrick l. hapley

    Couple plants 21 days into flower, hardly showing bud/brown spots.

    yeah man if it's not drying out enough between waterings you can get quite a few different problems. overwatering will cause the claw look a lot of times......the spots look like a nute issue to me (admittedly i'm not the most versed in these, you may want a second opinion) what kind of nutes/...
  16. perdrick l. hapley

    Couple plants 21 days into flower, hardly showing bud/brown spots.

    yeah temps that low won't help with watering. you have low amounts of transpiration from the leaves which is essentially the reason they're not going to grow as fast. they can only grow as fast as they uptake water and nutes and transpiration is the main driver for that. for future reference, as...
  17. perdrick l. hapley

    Flowering under T5 question

    yeah i followed a dude on here truepunk87 i think his name is. he flowers with t5s and gets absolutely crazy yeilds. i dont think the light source affects flowering time very much (OP's question), as long as you have enough light on your plants they will be happy and give you nice buds...
  18. perdrick l. hapley

    Drying in stealth

    Yeah usually strain dependent, but for the most part in my experience they'll reek during the dry (more & more every day). plus for the most part you wont really want a fan on your plants as you dry unless the situation is strange. air movement is good, but if it's direct it can speed it up so...
  19. perdrick l. hapley

    4 Weeks Old SICKK Plants..PLZ HELP!!!

    yeah it certainly could also be a feeding or ph issue, although pic 4 made me think it was starting at the top......that'll learn me to look at just one pic and give my 2 cents. derp, a little too much :joint:
  20. perdrick l. hapley

    4 Weeks Old SICKK Plants..PLZ HELP!!!

    yeah my money is on heat stress, what type/size light are you using and how far away is it from the canopy?