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  1. L

    What Makes Ketamine Special...

    Can you still get K? i'm a disabled veteran and use ketamine for bone pain. ive lost my source and have lost hundreds of dollars trying to find one honest person selling K. its almost impossible. In seven month of steady searching I have been told every stupid lie trying to get money. ive been...
  2. L

    Ketamine info?

    Have done research on ketamine for thirty years. i have used ketamine for thirty years. so all my information is not just book related. what do you want to know?
  3. L

    Sir: I am a disabled veteran. I use ketamine for bone pain. I have lost hundreds for dollars...

    Sir: I am a disabled veteran. I use ketamine for bone pain. I have lost hundreds for dollars looking for a new source, as my current source can no longer ship out of the middle east. how much to buy a sample package to see if you are really in the business? what brands BESIDES Ketamax do you...