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  1. LazyGoblin

    Extracting THC With Coconut Oil

    I´m SO doing this when my grow is done. Great thread!
  2. LazyGoblin

    Best weed strains for anxiety?

    I too suffer from anxiety, and i have to agree with chrishydro on this one. Strong indica works best for me in times of anxiety. Take care, Goblin =)
  3. LazyGoblin

    Best things to do while you're high?

    This was my favorite thing too while high when i still had my dog. :) Dogs are awesome.. ;)
  4. LazyGoblin

    Do we have any metalheads here?

    I really listen to all kinds of music but metal is my favorite! WHAT ERA DID YOU GROW UP AS A TEEN? I was born in the early 80s, but my brother is 10 years older than me, and showed me the magic of metal. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 10 FAVORITE METAL BANDS? In Flames Slayer OLD Iron Maiden...
  5. LazyGoblin

    Need lamp for indoor growing

    Did you get your lights yet? Otherwise you could try this site: Peace, Goblin
  6. LazyGoblin

    First time indoor

    Did you find what you were looking for? Otherwise i´d give this site a try: Peace, Goblin
  7. LazyGoblin

    New to the game, growing in cab. CFL

    My temps are 25-28°C when the cab is open a little, and since i only have a pcfan for exhaust I usually have it open during the day, and close it when it´s time for darkness, to get it really dark. But if i close it it´ll reach 31°C in about 5-7 hours(with lights on) I actually was thinkin...
  8. LazyGoblin

    New to the game, growing in cab. CFL

    I cant get my fluoro´s in the cab i think, maybe til´next grow :) Anyway, tonight i´ll get a camera, so tomorrow when I wake up, the lights will be on so i´ll take some pics of the girls and the cab for you guys. Have a nice day, Goblin :)
  9. LazyGoblin

    Kinda new, so here goes:

    Thank you friend! I am glad to be here. :)
  10. LazyGoblin

    Kinda new, so here goes:

    Thank you very much! LazyGoblin
  11. LazyGoblin

    Kinda new, so here goes:

    Hello! I´m new here and I have to say that i really like this forum, most people seem to be very willing to help, and there seem to be many users with alot of knowledge about growing bud. I will keep on reading the threads and hope to contribute later on. Peace, LG
  12. LazyGoblin

    My Neighbor Ripped My Plant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!

    Agree! Especially when the OP is one of the neighbors..
  13. LazyGoblin

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello all! Long time toker, first time grower. I´ve been reading on different growing forums for some time now, but never been active in posting and contributing anything. Now I´ve started a grow of my own, so i figured i´ll become a part of this forum for the best help possible. See you...
  14. LazyGoblin

    stealth grow under cfl!

    Looks nice man! Looking forward to your update. =)
  15. LazyGoblin

    New to the game, growing in cab. CFL

    Thanks! I will try to fit some more lights in the cab tomorrow when there is some more time before "lights out". I am relly looking forward to this grow, after reading other growdiaries and looking at all the amazing pictures. I really hope to get some fat buds like you guys to show off...
  16. LazyGoblin

    New to the game, growing in cab. CFL

    Hey! I recently built a cab for growing, and i am going to show off my grow in this thread i was thinking, =) Cab: 45x50x100 (cm) Mylar inside Light(s): 1x 250w CFL 2700K 15000lm 2x 20w CFL 6500K (I have 2 fluorescent tubes to, but i dont know that much about them, would it make a...
  17. LazyGoblin

    First CFL Grow - Help appreciated

    Awesome thread! I just started my own CFL grow, and got alot of tips from this thread! Thanks!