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  1. M

    Hawaii Growers

    The GSC(Girl Scout Cookies) is all hype.. Low yielder, does not you that high.. I can show you guys thread after thread to back this up. If you are all about growing the hype strains then by all means proceed. And by the way the GSC has been in Maui and on the Big Island for some time now. Its...
  2. M

    Hawaii Growers

    Yeah I'm a lurker over here cause I'm on ICmag mostly. I like this thread so I will stick around :)
  3. M

    Location discussion

    Ok here is some stuff I learned off the top of my head Always Plant near a water source. If you do not, your garden will not succeed. And if you can plant downhill from a water source as this makes everything easier. The southwest facing slope is best. Top of the ridge gets the better sun...
  4. M

    Stoner wallabies

    If wallabies are anything like my chickens, good luck,lol.. A fence is the only thing that will stop a determined animal from getting stoned in my experience.
  5. M

    Growing 6 BlueDream Plants in 45 gallon pots

    Blue Dream can get HUGE!!! I have personally seen 13 pounders and too many 10 pounders to count. They need a huge container,like 200 gallons or more if planted in May and in full sun. Trust me those 45 gallon pots are gonna get so rootbound that you will sacrifice a lot of your potential yield...
  6. M

    Hawaii Growers

    Wanna say ALOHA!! to everyone. I have been reading this thread and thought I will finally check in. Nice job everyone :)