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  1. mothofdoom


    Thank you for answering my post, and sharing your knowledge. I am very grateful. I am anxious of over-watering because my last grow wasn't a success due to it. Thanks again : )
  2. mothofdoom


    Hi, I'm not sure how much I should water a plant in 11lt pots in first week of flower. I was giving 500ml per pot every 2 days before transplant, but I'm not sure how much I should expect to water them now. I'm growing them in coco coir. If anyone can help I'd appreciate it
  3. mothofdoom

    Which book? (New to hydroponics)

    Hi, Can anyone please point me in the direction of a book that covers general hydroponics in its different forms? I have the medicinal maijuana bible, but I need more need more indepth knowledge, lots of pictures! = )Thanks for reading!
  4. mothofdoom

    Noob Appocalypse!

    Thanks guys! = )
  5. mothofdoom

    Noob Appocalypse!

    I understand that growing medical Cannabis is legal in some states, but it's still a federal crime. My question is "are there any security precautions I should be taking to ensure my anonymity whilst posting on this site, etc?" = )