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  1. S

    Plants are 6 weeks old. Short Bushy and Damage marks

    Thanks ill update in a few days
  2. S

    Plants are 6 weeks old. Short Bushy and Damage marks

    Hmmm I'm trying to keep the ph between 5.5 and 6... Maybe ill keep a closer eye on that. They are fed for 5 minutes every hour that the lights are on.
  3. S

    Plants are 6 weeks old. Short Bushy and Damage marks

    Hey everyone just wanted a couple of opinions on how my plants look. I have been topping them and stressing them slightly as well to try and form a plant with a little more strength. There is also a fan blowing directly down on them to also strengthen the plants for the future budding process...
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    Howdy Everyone, First time grower

    The feeding schedule is 5 minutes every hour that the lights are on which is 18-19 hrs a day with 6-5 hrs of rest. I was wondering if anyone had any input on why the growth is so bushy and uneven. I think the plants look fairly healthy I have a fan blowing on them pretty steadily they seem...
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    Howdy Everyone, First time grower

    Ok its been awhile since I have posted I am exactly 6 weeks in from seed and two of my plants are surviving. One of them didnt make it when I had the lights a little close and the humidity was close to none. Here is how they look now and there is no light leaking through the tub anymore. The...
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    Howdy Everyone, First time grower

    Thanks for the input and as for the clea containers. I believe i can solve that.
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    Howdy Everyone, First time grower

    Hey everyone just wanted to introduce myself, Im SwaGgr14 and I am a week and 5 days into my first grow. I will be using a homemade hydroponic/aeroponic system and 3 seeds i picked up along the way (planning on purchasing some Northern Lights in the near future just wanted to see how well my...
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    SwaGgr14's grow journal discussion

    Hey everyone just making my discussion page here for my grow journal. Ask anything you want here.