Search results

  1. velvetine

    VelVet 2008 - Breeding/growing free Software

    anyway, velvet is perfectly secure (if your computer is secure too ^^) happy to see somebody trying breeding experience guy :)
  2. velvetine

    VelVet 2008 - Breeding/growing free Software

    - normally in the folder u have : view.exe velvet2008e.r velvet2k8.bat double click on velvet2k8.bat, so velvet will be open u can now write your infos, text, ... click save button and type a name for the file - enter - u have now a file "name-u-give.str" in the same folder. u can open...
  3. velvetine

    VelVet 2008 - Breeding/growing free Software

    happy to see so much interested people ? dont hesitate if u have any questions :)
  4. velvetine

    VelVet 2008 - Breeding/growing free Software

    no more feedback ? :(
  5. velvetine

    VelVet 2008 - Breeding/growing free Software

    a tutorial ... why not but people knowing how to grow and to breed will know how to use the software, and i'm here for answering if problems :) Picasso345 i'm happy to see a velvet2008 user so enthusiast :) My idea was to make a sort of universal "strain-file-exchange" format. And so it...
  6. velvetine

    VelVet 2008 - Breeding/growing free Software

    in velvet 2002 it was an .EXE so a virus was possible, sadly ... But this time it's impossible, because it's a script file, fully readable, it's not compiled. Just download the zip file, take the velvet2008.r (u can read it in a notepad), and run it using rebview (available freely on rebol...
  7. velvetine

    VelVet 2008 - Breeding/growing free Software

    but its freeware ! ...
  8. velvetine

    VelVet 2008 - Breeding/growing free Software

    nobody interested ? :confused: some others forums was happy for finding such tool ...
  9. velvetine

    VelVet 2008 - Breeding/growing free Software

    So i'm posting here about my software VelVet :) The first was done in 2002, and it was mainly a grow-diary, but was not perfect to my mind. Anyway i recorded 20.000 downloads. I've just did a new version, especially for people wanting to make a complete follow-up of its selections, its...