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  1. R

    Quick Cloning Question

    Hey, I normally take my rooted clones (from a bubble cloner) and plant them directly into an organic soil mixture. I have noticed though, that many of the clones fail after planting in soil. Is there another medium I should put the newly rooted clones in before going to soil? Also how big...
  2. R

    Clay in the soil

    Hey, I just recently planted a couple babies outside. I brought in 120 pounds of top soil and dug the plots out of the ground. I used some existing soil and mixed it into the top soil. The soil where I planted as a lot of clay in it. What are the advantages/disadvantages of clay in the soil?
  3. R

    Help with cloning

    Yo, I need some help. I cloned some plants about 5 weeks ago. The problem is that I put the newly rooting cuttings in miracle grow and it over fertilized the clones. I have now 16 clones that have grown roots but have no new growth. The other 8 have roots and a vigorous vegetative growth. Will...
  4. R

    Confused in Shaolin

    So let me give you a scenario..... Lets say that some plants have been growing for 10 weeks and are not entirely done. These plants must be cut down. Would there be any use in putting the stems full of buds in a cup full of water and nutrients to try and continue growth, or would that be...
  5. R

    cloning a bud...

    As soon as my camera is fixed i will post pics of my grow/clones. The clones aren't stunted in growth; but, when they grow up they often have mis-shapen leaves and the branches grow awkward. This doesn't affect the plant when it is in flowering and I still take clones from the matured clones...
  6. R

    Making Sense of it All

    I'm sorry to say that from what I have read on government websites that is incorrect. The hemp plant also produces buds (flowers) but the thc content is far too low to get anyone high (which is why it's legal). I'm still trying to make sense of it all.
  7. R

    Making Sense of it All

    Ok what is the difference between hemp and marijuana. I know one gets you high and one doesn't. I know both are cannabis sativas and I have seen pics of both and they are exactly the same. So how does one get hemp and not marijuana? I am really confused and have been lookin around on the net for...
  8. R

    cloning a bud...

    I hate to break it to you.......but i just cloned 3 lower branches of a plant that has been in budding cycle for 8 weeks. Their are apparent buds at the top of the clones and the roots grew just fine in a bubble cloner