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  1. G

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Chopped her down last night. Got more than expected. Here is a photo of an old box retrofitted for drying and a lil popcorn nug. Weather is perfect out here for drying in the garage. Temp. is sitting at 73 with humidity at 47%.
  2. G

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Chopped her down. This is my box and a popcorn nug.
  3. G

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    First timer here. Doing this outside in SoCal. Do you think it's ready?
  4. G

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Here we are four days later. Trichomes have gotten a lot more cloudy with more ambers popping up. Real nervous about chopping it too soon. I've been reading on curing and will be going to buy a hygrometer today. Also, it seems to have lost some of its smell. Is this normal? Or am I waiting to long?
  5. G

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Just wanted to get some opinions if this ready to pull. First time grower. Doing this outside. Weather is barely cooling off here in SoCal. Hope this is posted in the right spot. I have a hard time telling what color these trichomes are. Being colorblind doesn't help. Took these photos with...