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    Brown/yellow spots on the plant leaves

    Ok, I've raised up the lights now, that should help?
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    Brown/yellow spots on the plant leaves

    Here are the pics from this morning, it's getting worse!! What should I do?
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    Brown/yellow spots on the plant leaves

    Hi, I have a 25 day old plant, it is still under 18/6 lights and today I've first noticed this yellow/brown spots on the plant leaves. I water it every 2-3 days when the soil and 2 inch below the top of the soil is dry. I've only added a little nutes last week, half of the recommended dose...
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    White/grey spots on my plant leaves - Help please

    Ok, I have the same problem on my new plants (17 days old), I've added epsom salt again but I doubt that it will help, please help
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    White/grey spots on my plant leaves - Help please

    I bought some epsom salt, I hope it will help.
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    White/grey spots on my plant leaves - Help please

    @DaBotniss . It's in my attic, it is clean yes, and it is also ventilated pretty good. Here are the new pics, its getting worse :/
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    White/grey spots on my plant leaves - Help please

    Ok, now the spots are turning yellow and there is much more of them. What is happening??
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    White/grey spots on my plant leaves - Help please

    That is not harmful, right?
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    White/grey spots on my plant leaves - Help please

    I can wipe of some of it yes, gently with my fingers.
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    White/grey spots on my plant leaves - Help please

    Hi, I've seen this first 30 minutes ago when I came home, I have a few plants (indoor soil grow) and they have grey/white spots on their leaves. They weren't there in the morning tho. What could it be and how can I fix this? Pics included. Thanks
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    1st grow, some basic questions

    Ok, I wont add any water for at least 3 days, should that be ok?
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    1st grow, some basic questions

    Today I've tried touching one of my plants leaves and it felt really crispy on touch, it doesn't look dry, underwatered or overwatered, just really crispy on touch, is that normal?
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    1st grow, some basic questions

    Hi, I'm a frist time grower and have recently put some seeds to grow. It's been about one week and most of the plants are looking good, but one of the plant seems a little weird, the leaves are not straight. I'm using 4 x 100W CFL (2x @ 4000 K and 2x @ 2700 K), lights are 18/6. I water only...