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  1. 420neverforget

    Lets Hear Some JOKES!

    Yeah, well got banned for "threats". YODA just has a stick up his ass, though.
  2. 420neverforget

    your favorite religious propaganda

    My favorite part in Religulous EDIT You can keep telling yourself this all you want but that doesn't make it true. Most atheists are agnostic and are aware that they don't know for certainty that there is no god. Atheism also makes no claim that...
  3. 420neverforget

    your favorite religious propaganda

    Well, that certainly explains your disdain for atheists, attempts to classify atheism as a belief system and manipulate the definition of the word. Atheism is trendy like not playing golf is trendy. One does not 'become' an atheist to be trendy and then go back to being a theist when it's too...
  4. 420neverforget

    your favorite religious propaganda

    I disagree. Atheism isn't a belief. It is the lack of that. It is saying "I don't believe in a god". No claims are made and thus no explanation is required. To me, you sound pretty arrogant. It is evident your only wish with this post was to express how much of a true atheist you are and how...
  5. 420neverforget

    Lets Hear Some JOKES!

    Why can't you fool an aborted baby? Because it wasn't born yesterday.
  6. 420neverforget

    This is what a police state looks like.

    Doesn't matter. You took away your right to trial, remember?
  7. 420neverforget

    This is what a police state looks like.

    The US just declared you an enemy combatant. Problem?
  8. 420neverforget

    This is what a police state looks like.

    Cool story, bro. Just get to it. What, from what I said, do you have a problem with? People don't want to take away an American citizen's right to trial? My opinion isn't fact? I know this. My speculation isn't fact? Oh rry?
  9. 420neverforget

    This is what a police state looks like.

    Does it bother any one else that everyone's basically saying fuck his trial? In my opinion, there's no accusation big enough to not warrant justice. If we accept that the government can just say you're a terrorist and torture you with no trial, then we're fucked.
  10. 420neverforget

    This is what a police state looks like.

    This is what a police state looks like
  11. 420neverforget

    Is it Possible That the U.S. Government Staged the Boston Marathon Bombing?

    This dude surrounded in a boat Live radio:
  12. 420neverforget

    Does anyone want to receive Spiritual Enlightenment?

    The enlightened does not think in terms of first and third world.
  13. 420neverforget

    trade names

    I didn't get your PM.
  14. 420neverforget

    trade names

    The rate at which this conversation escalated was relatively quick.
  15. 420neverforget

    How To Launder My Money?

    The best way is to buy a car wash and claim it as revenue. Source: Breaking Bad
  16. 420neverforget

    Stand-up Comedy

    Besides those mentioned, Mitch Hedberg, Zach Galifianakis, Chris D'Elia, Anthony Jeselnik. Not saying these 4 are all on the same level nor the best but I enjoy there comedy very much.