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  1. E

    Hanna meter gone wacky

    Is it calibrated? Is it touching anything? Is it hanging in a way that it could be stressing the connection?
  2. E

    Full journal of my 1st grow. Indoor aeroponics. Big Bud seeds. 400w HPS/MH

    Nice grow. Just a few comments.... Foxfarm nutes you are using are organic....they will stain the roots brownish. I dont doubt you had some rootrot with those rez temps but just be aware that it can be normal to have some off color roots with those nutes. Also, you just cant mix h2o2 and...
  3. E

    Whats wrong with my seedling? ( PICS )

    The leaves curl up in response to too much heat, they are trying to present less surface area to the light source. You've been saying it all along, its simply too hot in there. Misting them early on might have made it worse as water on the leaves is a magnifier for the light. Also, with temps...
  4. E

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    Hey Earl, At what point do you switch from 10/30 to 10/120 on the spraying? (When you switch over to flowering?) Do you run 24/0 during veg, and 12/12 during flowering? Thanks!
  5. E

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    Thanks Earl. I've copied your design for the most part. Except I decided to have the pump out of the rez from the beginning, for the same reason, I'd rather it not heat up the water, and I wanted to try and run without a chiller. I connected my pump a little different, but same concept. I put in...
  6. E

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    Earl, I saw the 950gph pump box, which one is that, the chiller pump or the sprayer pump, and what gph is the other one? Thanks!!!
  7. E

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    Hi Earl, nice to meet you, this is my first post here. I read through the whole thread twice to make sure I didn't miss anything... I have a few questions if you don't mind. 1) You listed "epoxy" as one of your materials. I assume thats what you used to attach/seal the 6" pvc to the storage...