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  1. jaywan

    what are you running now ?

    white rhino, purple suicide, purple monster, sour diesel, east coast sour diesel. All outdoor in miracle gro being fed dirty water.
  2. jaywan

    Cherry Pie and Blue Dream Yield?

    From clone you get a replica of the mother plant. from seed you have no idea what you get unless you have first hand knowledge of the seller and the strain. that's like the ads the push feminized seeds but the add the dis claimer that they can not guarantee the sex of the seeds, the funny thing...
  3. jaywan

    Cherry Pie and Blue Dream Yield?

    The current pot is 25gl the clone started in a dixie cup and then straight to a 5 gallon pot. it's been topped 4 times, up, out, up and out again. it's about to go into 12 and 12 because i have a lot of cuttings from it.
  4. jaywan

    Cherry Pie and Blue Dream Yield?

    clone only version? here is my blue dream, a clone from my original clone from a plant from seed that grew to be 8ft tall.
  5. jaywan

    Plant identification

    This might be a reach but anyone have any idea what strain this might be? it's smelly as hell and smokes very well just curious.
  6. jaywan

    ChemDog D Cut

    if your still looking shot me a pm i got seeds and plants
  7. jaywan

    Is Obama a big Liar or just a Dummy?

    Why does it matter? has your life been impacted that much or just a slow day for you? just say you hate the man have another drink and getover yourself.
  8. jaywan

    nice big plants GROW REPORTS submit those pix!!!!!!!!!

    thanks, cant wait to chop these down they got way to tall even after topping them. end of sept. early oct. them will be ready.
  9. jaywan

    nice big plants GROW REPORTS submit those pix!!!!!!!!!

    I guess you could call these big and almost ready.
  10. jaywan

    Northern Lights Femanized Autoflower - Week 3

    That is going to be a fat plant, looks good
  11. jaywan

    Why do I have seeds in my plants and how do I get rid of them, thanks

    could it be possible that the plant is producing seeds to save it's self/strain whit no male plants around.
  12. jaywan

    Identify this plant

    might just rename the whole crop after Me Jaywan black&white berry kush
  13. jaywan

    Identify this plant

    Hell I might just do that. I'll keep an eye on this one see how it turns out. And thanks for all the feedback.
  14. jaywan

    Identify this plant

    does anyone know a good product for the smell of a large outdoor grow?
  15. jaywan

    Identify this plant

    Yep i had no idea what it was, As it get bigger i will post more pictures.
  16. jaywan

    Identify this plant

    that's spot on thanks for the link
  17. jaywan

    Identify this plant

    not an iron problem all plants are fat and happy, this one came up like this.
  18. jaywan

    Identify this plant

    the leaves are white
  19. jaywan

    Identify this plant

    It not a deficiency the plant is growing perfectly. the seeds were from a blackberry kush from last year. i also have several others that are also turning colors.
  20. jaywan

    Identify this plant

    I was wondering if anyone has seen this strain before or can identify this plant.