Search results

  1. mo2oregon

    Patient getting paranoid

    Like most people, she might have thought, "little = good, more = better." Or she could be inhaling more smoke even though she thinks the hits are the same size, which is a newbie thing. As she has practiced smoking, she has become better at, breathing deeper, holding more smoke in, maybe. She...
  2. mo2oregon

    A question for Willamette Valley growers

    I thought topical rubs were b.s. stoner pipe dreams. A dispensary gave me a sample. Both of my hips and legs were sore that day. I rubbed some on my right hip joint. Five minutes later, I was stunned. Actual pain relief! My wife thinks I'm a total pothead but when I rubbed her back with it...
  3. mo2oregon


    Okay, Bulls... so punch in the face from Miami. But nice game winner floater from D-rose vs NY. Playing time will help get rid of that rust in the offense, hopefully. Not a Lakers fan but I think Kobe being out will help make other teammates stronger for when he comes back. He wants another...
  4. mo2oregon

    In need of a grower

    Each patient-grower agreement is individualized for their situation. Yours sounds like a pretty good arrangement to me though. :)
  5. mo2oregon

    Lets go CARDS!!!

    I admit I avoided here yesterday (owwie!) But it looks like the Cards' pitching is back. Back to STL!
  6. mo2oregon


    Bulls fan here... D-Rose is back! With the acquisition of Dunleavy and young player development, the Bulls might have offense to go with that shutdown defense. Does Durant need more help with the Thunder? What's the season look like it will be?
  7. mo2oregon

    Lets go CARDS!!!

    And that's a winner folks! The Cardinals win the pennant! The Cardinals win the pennant!
  8. mo2oregon

    welcome 2 mygirls 2013's BIG TOP GROW

    Sorry for your disappointment! Live and learn for next year hopefully?
  9. mo2oregon

    Lets go CARDS!!!

    Born and raised in stl, so I gotta say, "Go Cards!" (Oh Missouri mmj laws, why can't you be more like Oregon's?)
  10. mo2oregon

    Growing Legally in Oregon

    You nailed it. Nobody has time like that unless they're a kid or a mental patient.
  11. mo2oregon

    3 Word Story

    For that ass
  12. mo2oregon

    First grow (CFL), lot's of questions :D

    Looks good. Stay the course. My biggest mistake was wanting to fuss with things when the plant was growing well, all for more growth. Now I know to not mess with stuff unless there is a problem.
  13. mo2oregon

    Need some Ideas.

    For when I quit those several times (been 7*years since the last time)... yeah, break your routines up. The times that I would get too antsy. I would do some push ups and say outloud why I did not want to smoke. (Hey, it worked to remind me why I was toturing myself.) I'd also smoke weed when...
  14. mo2oregon

    Overrated movies...

    ^^^ Totally... Beverly hills cop, 48 hours... that's some funny stuff. Tower heist?!? Did he fire an agent?
  15. mo2oregon

    Mini-Cabinet: Best use of space?

    How's it coming? I'm interested in what you went with.
  16. mo2oregon

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    Hi Matt, Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I have been trying to discover which extract is the least dangerous while maintaining taste and potency. Ice wax seems the way to go. I read the first 102 pages of this thread. Is this sufficient or is there a new technique, product, or change...
  17. mo2oregon

    What's Oregon flowering?

    Love that!!!
  18. mo2oregon

    Flowering soon in PHOGS

    Any pics of the roots this time?
  19. mo2oregon

    Seeking strain with high CBD, low THC

    @ op... Cannatonic is higher cbd than thc.
  20. mo2oregon

    How strong is Tinture

    You throw the plant material in it? Or hash? Oil? Strain it?