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  1. KindTime

    Fungus, Mold, or Blight???

    nope, just kept them on the dry side so the fungus can't get a foothold. and time.
  2. KindTime

    Very bare plants mid flowering: All leaves yellow/bleaching!! Help.

    K there we go I can see them now. OK looks like nute burn/pH lockout. My theory is that the concentration you have been feeding them for aero was fine for your short exposures (15 min), but when soaked in that solution (24hrs), it was too much nute for them. This may have caused the damage you...
  3. KindTime

    check please

    get the media saturated with water, wait 30 mins for salts to dissolve, then flush well. That way you wont have to replant. You may have to make a weak tea of worm castings and blood meal to feed after that, as your soil will be a little nutrient-poor.
  4. KindTime

    Yellow seedling in co co soil help me

    IMO your input needs to first be lots of pHed (6.0) distilled or RO water to rule out the possibility that your coco needs to be washed of salts (Not nutrient salts, natural salts that exist in some brands of coco coir). Then you need to feed, as coco coir is inert. You are currently watering...
  5. KindTime

    Very bare plants mid flowering: All leaves yellow/bleaching!! Help.

    want to help but cant see your pics, just takes me to a new page and says "Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"
  6. KindTime

    please help why are my leaves curing down n turnig a dark green (PICS)!!!!!

    Just my $0.02, but I also think it could also be wet feet. Can cause symptoms of N overdose because unchelated nitrogen stays available as long as the soil is wet. Maybe let it dry a little longer? Your soil could be more compact and wet than you want-especially when growing under anything but...
  7. KindTime

    Fungus, Mold, or Blight???

    Just want to report that I had the exact same leaf phylotaxis that you have (brown necrosis, combined with that wrinkly pocking and poor development) after leaving clones in the dome too long (took FOREVER to root because of cold temps). I feel that this problem is fungal, from constantly high...
  8. KindTime

    help this craziness with my babies

    Miracle-Gro soil has a slew of problems associated with it, and the moisture control formula even worse so. Next time, try a light seed-starting mix with NO continuous-release fertilizer, then once the plant is ready for transplant, repot with Fox Farms Ocean Forrest or Roots Organic...
  9. KindTime

    yo theo this is my handle -Max

    yo theo this is my handle -Max