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  1. Skitzotic

    The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

    Im proud of you bro, looks like some killer shit, Bet mine was better tho!
  2. Skitzotic

    52 day old Bagseed Midgrae {PICS}

    Lol, just checking up old posts. That plant has long since gone. It was a male turns out. that sucked. But i know what you mean when you said that was a shitty plant. Simply because of the fact. The spacing between the branches is wayy to much. The next clone i did. and just harvested. was...
  3. Skitzotic

    The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

    I wonder, were you using Miracle gro. Or anything with urea nitrogen. Im not sure about this. but ive read shit about urea making buds shrivel up and die and fall off. i could be wrong. Just thought i throw in my two cents ;]. Look into it.
  4. Skitzotic

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    Harsh mann, The reason i bruised this is my right arms broken, so i couldnt use scissors. And damnnn. Cut me Some slack. it was my first ever harvest ;]
  5. Skitzotic

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    Need any help harvesting, Just let me know man ;] I just harvested mine. Leda uno early flowering. I fucked everything up by smoking most of it before it was completley dry. Was some goood shit though. . Also bruised the buds all too shit -.-. Beautiful plant though. I think ive found a new...
  6. Skitzotic

    The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

    Shit, i WISH it only rained once this month here.
  7. Skitzotic

    Outdoor Clones. 08' Late Start. {PICS} -Skitzotic

    Well, sorry i havent posted in a long time, Unfortunatley my cam is BROKE X[ but. its about 3 ft tall now. Big thick white hairs. half inch buds. ;p Its a thing of beauty i tell you!
  8. Skitzotic

    Outdoor Clones. 08' Late Start. {PICS} -Skitzotic

    I dont see how it could have too much sun ;\
  9. Skitzotic

    Outdoor Clones. 08' Late Start. {PICS} -Skitzotic

    Ok, well that one clone is doing good, But, there are spots where the leaf is curling a little and turning a tannish , almost like a dull yellowish color. Its weird. Does anyone know what this might be. Its been outside,
  10. Skitzotic

    Outdoor Clones. 08' Late Start. {PICS} -Skitzotic

    Yah thanx , i will keep u guys posted, things are goin greattttttt. More pics soon i promise, and those are horrible pics. Thats what u get with a $30 webcam. And gilfman, Thats my favorite shirt man. I wear it whenever its clean.
  11. Skitzotic

    Outdoor Clones. 08' Late Start. {PICS} -Skitzotic

    Waddup people!, I Took some new pics. The pics are just of Leda Uno #2. The one that was bare as hell and droopy. Its doin great now. #1 is doin HORIIBLE. so i didnt take pics.
  12. Skitzotic

    Outdoor Clones. 08' Late Start. {PICS} -Skitzotic

    Yah, and they drive over a banana and there car goes over a cliff and there like "o'doyle rules!" over and over, funny shit ;P i'll post some new pics tomarrow.
  13. Skitzotic

    The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

    Gilfman, Dont be so paranoid about it. Of course your gonna have a few males. Thats always gonna happen wth random bagseed. I Wouldnt be suprised if a few go hermie either. But, Just wait. I myself dont see any distinct signs of a male or female yet. So just chill bro. You'll get some females...
  14. Skitzotic

    Outdoor Clones. 08' Late Start. {PICS} -Skitzotic

    Damn you Gilfman!, u got more posts then me. That just means your a loser bro. No worries. Lmao... Jus Playin
  15. Skitzotic

    Outdoor Clones. 08' Late Start. {PICS} -Skitzotic

    O geez, Youve never fuckin see billy madison Bro. Its got Adam Sandler in it, If you havent seen it, You should definatley watch it.
  16. Skitzotic

    Outdoor Clones. 08' Late Start. {PICS} -Skitzotic

    I think it takes a little longer then that. But. im not sure, But there lookin good. Ive found i cat root clones for shit, Yett
  17. Skitzotic

    Outdoor Clones. 08' Late Start. {PICS} -Skitzotic

    Well, Did you use some sort of rooting hormone?
  18. Skitzotic

    Outdoor Clones. 08' Late Start. {PICS} -Skitzotic

    Well, some enw growth is getting started on them right now. Once they start to fill out a little i'll post some pics. Clone #1's Leaves are kind of yellowish, and there curved down a little bit, im not sure why. Can anyone help?
  19. Skitzotic

    Outdoor Clones. 08' Late Start. {PICS} -Skitzotic

    Well, Atleast i know if i was doing anything really wrong someone would have posted ;P
  20. Skitzotic

    Outdoor Clones. 08' Late Start. {PICS} -Skitzotic

    Ok, well. I topped them both. No growth yet. i think they just need to adjust to there new enviroment. Leda Uno, Sounds exotic ;P Typooooo rama! fixed it ;P Im fuckin blazed