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  1. colonel bogey

    Whats the best setup for this small space?

    :lol: Pure class twistyman!!
  2. colonel bogey

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks Jimmyspaz and Sens1 for the warm welcome. Fingers crossed!!
  3. colonel bogey

    Welcome New Members!

    Oh yeah, Leave the yellowed leaves on or whip them off???
  4. colonel bogey

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks for that. Kind of thought it was, that puts my mind at rest. Attached a couple of pics anyway.
  5. colonel bogey

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello all, Been growing for 2-3 months, been in flower phase for about 3-4 weeks, have been reading a lot of the posts on this site (and others) and picked up some great tips. Had a problem with overfeeding in about 4-5th week, leaves yellowed curled under and developed rust coloured spots...