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  1. shea

    Bushmaster: A How to Guide

    just cause i spent the time reading this whole deal, its like father and son debating over their penis'. ya both do got one... yes, maybe one is older, anda bit more wrinkly... but ya both get off donchya? put your dicks away and stop hating this thread shows how we get caught up in hatin on...
  2. shea

    First grow ! Kannabia Seeds LA BLANCA OR MATURO BLUE AUTOFLOWER?

    How'd it all turn out? I am 30 days on la blanca auto at beginning stage of flowering.
  3. shea

    Primeralives SCROG setup and grow (coments welcome)

    haha... guess that is what i was talkin about. :clap::clap::-P
  4. shea

    Water farm Module Question (Ph Ppm) Not Kit.

    sup pup... i too use two waterfarms and when i first began i had the same problems you are encountering. my prob was that i wasnt using a sufficient ph meter. i was using one for soil and it would always read high. then i would add ph down. i would have to add soo much that it raised the ppm. i...
  5. shea

    Waterfarm Mods & Tips

    thanks for the wisdom oldgrayhair
  6. shea

    Waterfarm Mods & Tips

    would it be possible to grow two plants in one wf bucket? also, i didnt hear about drillin more larger holes until recently and my plant is ready to flower... do you think that it will be ok with the holes given or should i try to alter it now. (the roots are just starting to poke through...
  7. shea

    ANYBODY! help with ppm

    appreciate the links topfuel
  8. shea

    ANYBODY! help with ppm

    i forgot to mention that i am using distilled. thanks for the input
  9. shea

    ANYBODY! help with ppm

    im new to this. i heard hydro was easier and cleaner than soil. well, im having trouble gettin started. i dont get the nutes. im not sure how to mix them in per gallon so i slowly add them until i reach the ppm number i want. im trying lucas formual and i noticed that both cycles require...
  10. shea

    please help with ppm

    im new with this. im tryin to figure out how to have the ppm where i want it.... aslo with the ph where i want it. im using distilled water. i begin by adding my nutes first. once i reach the ppm i want i adjust for ph. my prob is that my ppm number shoots way up when i add the ph...
  11. shea

    Primeralives SCROG setup and grow (coments welcome)

    the end? what happened?
  12. shea

    why not? you know why they did this or if it directly relates to sun/bulb exposure?
  13. shea

    why not use both sources of light(indoor & outdoor)

    actually when the plant gets too noticable its comin in for good
  14. shea

    why not use both sources of light(indoor & outdoor)

    i dont plan on doing this when im flowering. ill be using a hps light then
  15. shea

    why not use both sources of light(indoor & outdoor)

    im currently growing 1 plant and im utilizing the sun when its there then bringin it in when its not. basically treating it like its indoor with some sunshine. my question is why not use the power of the sun with indoor lighting? save electricity and powerful light... no? i have been doing this...
  16. shea

    why not?

    im currently growing 1 plant and im utilizing the sun when its there then bringin it in when its not. basically treating it like its indoor with some sunshine. my question is why not use the power of the sun with indoor lighting? save electricity and powerful light... no? i have been doing this...
  17. shea

    plants had to go=[

    good decision/ youll have other oppertunities
  18. shea


    ill check it out... thanks
  19. shea


    i know that MH is better for growth and HPS for flowering but i dont want to spend the money for a MH setup... any suggestions?
  20. shea

    Which way do you plant the seed???

    i had the same perdicament and planted it sideways... did just fine