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  1. P

    the smell of my cannabis plant reeks..

    hey rings just out of curiosity what procedure do you follow with the ozone generator? I have an industrial grade one that I've yet to use since I heard it messes with taste and smell of product not to mention its ill lung effects. Would like to use it though as its takes the stank out of...
  2. P

    the smell of my cannabis plant reeks..

    hey rings just out of curiosity what procedure do you follow with the ozone generator? I have an industrial grade one that I've yet to use since I heard it messes with taste and smell of product not to mention its ill lung effects. Would like to use it though as its takes the stank out of...
  3. P

    3rd Times a Charm

    for dpw your ph is a little too high probably from the hydroton... I also think you may need more light for vege