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  1. M

    Needing a Designated Grower in Manitoba

    Hello, please accept my apology for my tardiness on repling to your thread. I too do not post things as you don't know what you may, well you know.Have been interviewing a couple of potential growers, but nothing solid yet. If you would like to e-mail me at Perhaps we could...
  2. M

    Needing a Designated Grower in Manitoba

  3. M

    I am interested in being a designated grower for someone in Manitoba. . .

    I am not quite sure how these things work as Health Canada has no legislation to keep an eye on these growers. It's his word against mine.
  4. M

    I am interested in being a designated grower for someone in Manitoba. . .

    My name is Anita Last and have my medical licence to carry up to 600 grams/month. I did have a grower that was set up for me by my so called best friend and was not given what was owed over the last year. Not only that he was in B.C. and could not see the garden. Instead he used the licence for...