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  1. Bong...James Bong

    yellow leaves...dark spots, what can i do?!

    one more question. if i were to get foxfarm nutes, could i just use the big bloom or would i have to use the tigerbloom or any other nutes with it? basically can i just get the big bloom? or just the tigerbloom?
  2. Bong...James Bong

    yellow leaves...dark spots, what can i do?!

    Thanks rolla... im trying out the hempy bucket its kinda like a hydro/wick/soil grow. supposedly its supposed to give a good yield, ive just been having problems the whole time tho...figures that would happen to a first timer
  3. Bong...James Bong

    yellow leaves...dark spots, what can i do?!

    where can i find some good nutes that arent in a hydro store...there arent any of those around me. also, they're big enough where i want to start flowering, could i just switch right away from the flushing to some nutes suited for flowering?
  4. Bong...James Bong

    yellow leaves...dark spots, what can i do?!

    theyre definately getting enough light, im using a 400w hps in a pretty small but well ventilated room. one of them is definately overwatered, i gave up on it, but the others arent that bad. i know everyone says to water every 2-3 days, but i really dont need to water until like 4 maybe 5 days...
  5. Bong...James Bong

    yellow leaves...dark spots, what can i do?!

    no one seriously? dont let them die
  6. Bong...James Bong

    yellow leaves...dark spots, what can i do?!

    so i got some pictures of the leaves in question. the first one is a leaf that i pulled off, it was done for anyway, i hope you can see if easily, its yellow-brown, with dark spots and curled at the tips. same with the second picture. the third and fourth shows a couple of leaves with really...
  7. Bong...James Bong

    yellow leaves...dark spots, what can i do?!

    yeah im afraid of doing that tho cus i know it needs at least once a week of just water to flush out any buildup. so i figured putting salt in those waterings wouldnt be too good.
  8. Bong...James Bong

    yellow leaves...dark spots, what can i do?!

    actually that helped a question. Anyone know if its ok to mix epsom salt in the same watering as nutes? or is that overkill? im growing my plants in hempy buckets so i want to get all those nutrients to them, but i dont know if id be overdoing it by mixing epsom salt and nutes together.
  9. Bong...James Bong

    yellow leaves...dark spots, what can i do?!

    i know, i had to borrow a camera before, i'll try getting it again. But until then, any ideas?
  10. Bong...James Bong

    yellow leaves...dark spots, what can i do?!

    hey, anyone have any insight as to whats going on? my bottom leaves keep turning yellow with a dark middle vein, dark lesions appear and they eventually die. I've tried everything i can think of. I forget what kind of deficiency this might be, but any quick solutions would be great, i'd like...
  11. Bong...James Bong

    whats wrong with them??!!...anyone some help please

    awesome, thats what i kinda thought but was afraid of burning them. i'll give it a try, hopefully wont be posting another one of these. one more question...cus im doing a hempy bucket too, a shitty job at it but im trying. with 3 gallon pots how much should i water them at a time? i still...
  12. Bong...James Bong

    whats wrong with them??!!...anyone some help please

    good growth looks good. pretty good green color, actually the leaves on top droop just a little. I was just afraid of overdoing it with the nutes, i dont wanna burn the leaves. dont i need to water them with just water in between the feeding? to flush out any build up or anything...
  13. Bong...James Bong

    whats wrong with them??!!...anyone some help please

    thanks for the help man...i dont give them nutes every time, i've been trying to keep it to every third watering. and i started off at 1/4 strength but now i go full strength its been about 2 months i figured they could take it
  14. Bong...James Bong

    whats wrong with them??!!...anyone some help please

    i feel like ive been over watering them, i read that when they curl down like they are thats an indication of over watering
  15. Bong...James Bong

    whats wrong with them??!!...anyone some help please

    also, i forgot...I think I'm about to start flowering, are the nutes im using ok or do i need some with more potassium? or in other words a higher k in the n-p-k values?
  16. Bong...James Bong

    whats wrong with them??!!...anyone some help please

    ok, I've been growing my babies since about the beginning of september...400w hps, in a perlite/vermiculite mix, 2x2x4 growspace. theyve been loosing the bottom leaves pretty consistently although ive been able to slow it down for now. its not the heat, its pretty well ventilated, I've been...
  17. Bong...James Bong

    The Hempy Collective

    Hey here's a challenge for some one to figure out, I think i really need some help here. I've been growing my guys since the end of July mostly perlite with vermiculite mixed in, the seeds were middie seeds, the best i could get my hands on. I'm using a 400w hps in my closet, pretty good...
  18. Bong...James Bong

    The Hempy Collective

    thanks, i'll try cutting back a little see how it goes
  19. Bong...James Bong

    The Hempy Collective

    hey so im doing my first grow hempy style and its going great so far, i have 6 plants in 16 oz party cups and theyre growing fast. i have one problem with my oldest one tho, its about 2.5 weeks old and its leaves look real healthy and green but theyre all curling in. i water them every day...
  20. Bong...James Bong

    The Hempy Collective

    I have a question about water that i dont think anyones brought up yet... instead of measuring ph exactly and all that stuff, would it be ok to just use water filtered from a brita or something like that? the ph would be neutral enough from that right, anyone?