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  1. v2Lethal

    How many weeks with hydro

    helpd alot thanx :D hope to get some other views :)
  2. v2Lethal

    How many weeks with hydro

    wondering how many weeks a plant takes when u use a hydro set like this i know its like 12-14weeks with soilbased handfeedng.but ive heard there alot quicker with a set like...
  3. v2Lethal

    boost yeild ?

    just a quick question what products or things can boost the yeild of the buds during flowering i know of c02 spray/ mollasses/ overdrive// anything else?
  4. v2Lethal

    Updated pics - 3weeks left

    2 x 600watt HPS
  5. v2Lethal

    Updated pics - 3weeks left

    This is a update post from These pictures are 21days from the pictures in the post above :) estimated 3weeks left :) just started overdrive and mollasses also could anyone guess the strain as we are unsure
  6. v2Lethal

    3rd Grow (flowering) PICS

    im probly to far past the point to do the toppin bit correct? but am i still able to cut the lower buds off? and would u reccomend me doing that asap?
  7. v2Lethal

    3rd Grow (flowering) PICS

    will be posting updated pics next sunday i imagine or maybe before
  8. v2Lethal

    how to make a plant grow faster

    ah but i only put lights on 24hour when i first put them in... i dont like change to 18/6 n then randomly back to 24/0 i just doit for first few days till they establish
  9. v2Lethal

    3rd Grow (flowering) PICS

    I leave alot of leafs on tho but i just try to get rid of the huge ones :) not sure on height i supose every plant grows to the space there in bit like fish in a pond lol but so far there like over 3ft and still growing
  10. v2Lethal

    how to make a plant grow faster

    WTF was aimed at me.but yeah i doit each grow.couple days of 24hour light and u watch them grow :) thats hw i get 4ft plants
  11. v2Lethal

    3rd Grow (flowering) PICS

    Yeah we are in the 3rd week of bloom
  12. v2Lethal

    3rd Grow (flowering) PICS

    well my last grow we pruned all big fan leaves and ended up with 35ounce dry from 5plants :D
  13. v2Lethal

    3rd Grow (flowering) PICS

    Thanx mate :) Well past 2grows we did we removed some fan leaves only the stupidly big leaves that block alot of the lower bud getting direct light so its worth trying as a test. but yeah we tend to get alot more bud this way due to all the energy been concentrated into the budding insted of...
  14. v2Lethal

    how to make a plant grow faster

    bang ur lights on for 24hours for a few nights let the energy build up then watch them grow
  15. v2Lethal

    how to make a plant grow faster

    same as guy above PH levels are a factor aswell. So would be 1. Huge pot 2.Good soil 3.Trays filled with water 24/7 4.Feed twice per day with nutes 5. Good light
  16. v2Lethal

    3rd Grow (flowering) PICS

    hey guys this is my 3rd grow. im growing 3 nothernlight plants They have been growing in soil under 2 x 600watt lights since the 15th of march. and are due to be harvested around 7-10th of june. Wondering what you guys think to the plants and any hints or tips would be welcome. always welcome...
  17. v2Lethal

    2weeks and no grow

    6 plants under 1 400watt HPS light. as there only small plants they all receive alot of light.i feed them 200ml twice a day of coco A & B nutes... i water each plant the exact same ammount everyday. as i say the other strain is fine all 4 growing well.just the 2 diff strains are not growing
  18. v2Lethal

    my pistils are turnin red

    there turning brown not red im thinking. thats a good sign tho
  19. v2Lethal

    2weeks and no grow

    ok guys basicly i have cuttings that are growing 4 are of the same strain and 2 are very diff. im growing them in soil and feed them as normal and the 4diff strain plants are fine and growing.but the other 2 plants refuse to grow.they have been same size now for 2weeks while the others have...
  20. v2Lethal

    Stunted Growth

    the thing is its not a seedling its a cutting/clone which already has a established root system and stems...but its just not growing at all non of the 6. i will give it time but only the roots are growing not the plant itself.