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  1. S

    135 w black star possible to flower with nothing else

    I know it's an old thread but I just seen it. I used the BS 135 along with 2 CFL's in a 17" X 22" cabinet in a ten gal Rubbermaid tote DWC budget grow attempt. I netted 14.5 gm of dried & cured from two plants. I had to chop about 7 days early due to my house selling sooner than expected. I...
  2. S

    Peak Seed

    I ordered from MJ last Fall. Sent an international USPS Money Order(blank). Post office explained the postage, 85cents. It took a total of 29 days from when I dropped the envelope in the mail box until delivery to my house in the SE USA. I got a response to every email I sent and every question...
  3. S

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi all. I live in the Southeast USA. I've embarked on my third attempted grow, but the first one armed with any real intelligence on the matter. Created a 2.7 sq ft with 82" of height grow space. Ten gallon DWC with space for two plants. This is where I've seen some controversy is in the...