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  1. smokdoughgetdough


    hey if ne one knos kina lot bout the flowering stage i gota ?- i got 2 females under 400w hps, there starting to drop n get all droopy the bud part of the plant so is it too hot?
  2. smokdoughgetdough


    ur pose 2 start flowering between 10-12" bcuz it grows big whn its in the flower stage so thats not an issue
  3. smokdoughgetdough

    Pics....wanna give me your opinion?

    lol only 23 days of flowering yah nice yeild for one plant
  4. smokdoughgetdough

    Pics....wanna give me your opinion?

    ur plants dnt show ne heat issues so i mean duno wat insight u want u seem lik u kno wat ur doin ne ways
  5. smokdoughgetdough

    Pics....wanna give me your opinion?

    shit nuthn 2 say but nice sunny keep doin wat ur doin
  6. smokdoughgetdough

    What is optimal "Dark-Time" from veg to flower

    c im telln u the whole 24 36 hr thing does wrk u c a big diff not only in nodes and size but it starts 2 show sex n u didnt evn use bud blood 4 the process
  7. smokdoughgetdough

    1000w HPS for $50

    well shit thn ur good 2 go thn my bad
  8. smokdoughgetdough

    What is optimal "Dark-Time" from veg to flower

    i dnt use that shit n i c the same shit they cin
  9. smokdoughgetdough

    2 Males..2 Females

    if i grow my males by my females while flowering i think females w get seeds if pollen trax onto the leaves n wat not so i guess best thing 2 do is toss thm if u dnt hava seperate grow space or wana grow males ne ways
  10. smokdoughgetdough

    2 Males..2 Females

    i got the same shit but 3 females 2 males the third im still finding out but if u grow the males away from the females n theres trichromes on the males will it b sum decent mid grade or wassup?
  11. smokdoughgetdough

    What is optimal "Dark-Time" from veg to flower

    ive done that w male plants if it starts showin balls i jus thro thm in dark period 4 bout 24-36 n it shows right away jus 2 make sure im not killn a female same w females leave thm ina dark period for bout 24-36 itll show sex after bout 2 3 days darkness wnt fuk ne thing up
  12. smokdoughgetdough

    1000w HPS for $50

    yah well whn yo shit breaks or malfunctions or sumthn n aint got no warranty jus go spend another 50-100 each time till u get to 300 lik damn a brand new 1 w a lifetime warranty was a better idea;-)
  13. smokdoughgetdough

    1st grow 30 days in...CFL

    chek this... all my plants r bushy but i have 8 cfls at the bottom n a 400 w hps at the top in my grow tent, i cant tell the sex yet but theyre lookn lik males does trichromes on the leaves mean ne thing, theyre still in veg stage
  14. smokdoughgetdough

    what to do know.. need feedback

    another thing if ur plants only a week old i hope u hav thm under a veg light n nuthn serious lik hps
  15. smokdoughgetdough

    what to do know.. need feedback

    mayb chek ur ph levels in ur water ur usin
  16. smokdoughgetdough

    my cannabis plant leaves are all yellow HELP

    i got 5 plants all bout 5 6 inches tall the light was prolly 10 12 inches above the top of the plant
  17. smokdoughgetdough

    my cannabis plant leaves are all yellow HELP

    leme hop on this thread... my leaves r turnin yellow but theyre spots that turn into bigger spots i have a 400 hps u think the lights too close
  18. smokdoughgetdough

    hindu kush at 72 days of 12/12

    yo all i gota say is its worth the wait 1, 2, 3, more weeks mayb tops.... n a damn good job sunny
  19. smokdoughgetdough

    f&ckin' nasty

    i kno yall talkn bout purp but leme ask a ? if i got 5 plants under 400w hps n bout all the plants r already gettn trichromes on the leaves does that mean ne thing? its only been under my hps for bout 2 weeks n 2 weeks under 48w floursent
  20. smokdoughgetdough

    approx how long till they begin to grow?

    thro em ina cup of water let thm sink to the bottom they shuld sprout a root ina bout 5-7 days depeding thn plant thm for veg stage