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  1. K

    I looked all over WTF is this?

    think guys basic science from highschool what happeneded when things are dryed and crispy? lack of nutrients and water reaching some spots of the plants i would call for a root check and flush that baby..
  2. K

    I get this problem regularly in hydroponics, not sure of the cause... (pics provided)

    i love living in canada i get a big container fill it from my tap add my nutes and boom go to good no ph testing needed its always 6.0 never changes :)
  3. K

    New Problems w/ White Russians!

    got a better pic m8?
  4. K

    to old for its look

    anyone? here to help plss i posted pics.
  5. K

    to old for its look

    im feeding them nutri a and b and ph is fine its 6.0 99% of time using just a basic soil mixture its called triple mix watering about every 3 days and theyre about 4 nodes on the biggest should i just start force flowering?
  6. K

    to old for its look

    i started my 7 plants august 15th put them outside till they were about 2 inches then transplanted put them inside under a 300watt cfl superlight and 3 100watters with proper ventilation no nutes though and then when they were about 6-8 inches i transplanted to bigger pots and i went and bought...