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    Try to get at least 2 clones ASAP. then, if the mother dies, no big deal. just a little time lost. Temp,you might have overkill on the ventillation. rather than sucking the heat out of the top. you may be stirring the heat into the fresh air and causing the overall temperature to raise. that...
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    How to save Marijuana seeds?.

    Thank you, thank you, I'd just like to thank the people with bad breath everywhere and the lovely folks of the Hershey's corperation who find it offensive.
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    How to save Marijuana seeds?.

    Breath mints anyone??
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    Can I Borrow Your PH Pen for a Minute?

    Thanks reefcouple (edit and bfg) Actually I'm goint to use 7.0 spring water to water, the tap is just a baseline to measure the difference. I didn't want anyone to waste good water for the experiment. Good night!
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    Can I Borrow Your PH Pen for a Minute?

    Thanks for the reply but, $5 - $10 (and transportation costs $15 plus) could be put towards my pen (when I have cash (( broke )) ). Untill I get my own pen I just need a simple experiment to hold me over. A good link on the subject will work also. Thanks
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    Can I Borrow Your PH Pen for a Minute?

    Hi, I'm a newbee still building up my supplies little by little, I don't have a PH pen yet (and showing some signs of deficency) and I was wondering if anyone would do a test for me. Please. Using a 20oz bottle, tap water, and vinegar (5% acidity): 1. Take a measurement of the tap water...
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    My First Grow, ZOMG!

    I did not say it was illegal. If I was a cop I'd know that, the number was purely hypothetical (a joke) no, I didn't know about a license to grow, not knowing anyone with a script and all. that is great!!! a class and everything!!! I just assumed that it would be more controlled than that...
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    My First Grow, ZOMG!

    Purely theoretical, I don't know the laws on it but, a prescription isn't the right to manufacture your own meds, If I get a script for say, "controlled drug #20,361", I can't just set up a lab and start producing controlled drug #20,361 legally. I have to go to the pharmacy. If you get caught...
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    Help finding a couple items, USA stores

    The only reason I didn't ask someone (yes, at the grocery store, sorry) I don't know anything about yeast and couldn't come up with any answers if they asked what I was using it for. ditto for the other products too. Thanks for the help. :peace: out
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    Help finding a couple items, USA stores

    Thanks for the info, I'll try again, so the real use for activated charcoal is to filter water? I think I might have seen some at wal-mart then, not sure. howhigh123, After I have a successful grow (and the evidence is gone) I'll post my grow diary. My box, if successful, is one that is...
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    Help finding a couple items, USA stores

    Hi, I'm working on my first grow, It's going along great but, there are a couple of DIY items I cant find, (mostly because I don't know what they are :dumbass: :shock:). 1. Live Yeast a. What part of the store would I find it in? I didn't see it in the baking section b. What type of...
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    Another Newb from NJ

    Thanks for the welcome guy's I've already learned from the loads of valuable info without even asking questions. of course I still have many questions about my particular growing situation, btw, I plan on growing inside of a bass drum :mrgreen: :peace: out
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    Another Newb from NJ

    Hi all, Great site you have here. I'm about to attempt my first grow so I think I'm in the right place. I have tons of info on growing hydroponically, but (questionable) mixed info on potted plants. I just started some virtual plants in Highgrow to help me along. well, hope I don't make...