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  1. N

    Florida Growers Thread

    hey guys new to rollitup i live in NE fla and i was woundering if anyone thought it would be very risky to grow maby 4 or 5 plants in my back yard i got mexicans on 1 side and some black people on the other they would never be a threat and other than that you cant see that far back i got like...
  2. N

    flowering in SE USA

    i have a plant growing that i moved from my front yard where i found it growing from a seed i must have thrown out the window im not sure exactly how much sunlight we get everyday but does anybody know if flowering is possible in my region? im thinking about planting more because its a good...
  3. N

    Welcome New Members!

    WUDDUP EVERYONE !!!!! im new ill start a new thread with my first questions