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  1. S

    The Big 40

    This grow makes me drool. Wish i had a piece of property to duplicate this set up. keep up the great work.
  2. S

    Concerned about my Himalaya Gold's

    Just thought I'd throw my experience out there. Growing Blue Dream and Himalayan Gold Indoors right now. Blue Dream is blowing the HG away!!! Sounds like we all are having the same experience with HG. Not very impressive by any means. THC content seems extremely low compared to my BD. The...
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    Drastic ppm increase over one day/ aerated roots are shriveling and dieing

    update on the ec conversions. hanna ppm charts uses a .5 conversion from ec, eutech ppm charts uses a .64 conversion from ec and lastly, Truncheon ppm charts uses a .7 conversion from ec. THIS IS GOOD INFO TO KNOW!
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    Drastic ppm increase over one day/ aerated roots are shriveling and dieing

    After much much research i have solved the solution. ALthough a combination of things the biggest factor was my hard water i'm using. I got it tested and found that the sodium content was excessive to say the least. As such, i found that sodium with compete with potassium thus causing brown leaf...
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    Drastic ppm increase over one day/ aerated roots are shriveling and dieing

    Allright, read some shit that's blowing my mind. ... that is the site i found my information. My EC meter measures in microseimens(uS), which means i need to convert to ppms. I do this by multiplying my microseimens by .64. IF that...
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    Drastic ppm increase over one day/ aerated roots are shriveling and dieing

    my room temps btw are between 73F-80F, pretty constant at 78F throughout the day though. Res temp in the 45gal res is between 66-70, with an average of 68 now. pretty fucking happy with that. :)
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    Drastic ppm increase over one day/ aerated roots are shriveling and dieing

    posting pictures tonight everyone :) i know we can solve this problem together. thanks for the help
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    Drastic ppm increase over one day/ aerated roots are shriveling and dieing

    TO MR GANGJA: Plant health: yellowing/light green in center of plant. can see over 8 true leaves forming. one specimen has browning spotting/bloching on it's true leaves and growth has stunted. Do not see no foliage growth. Other plants all look the same though with yellowing in center and some...
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    Drastic ppm increase over one day/ aerated roots are shriveling and dieing

    Thanks for the replies you guys. update here... i stopped the ebb and flow system and am watering by hand until i can figure out the reason for fluctuation. i am making two different test solutions: one at 1/4 str. and the other at 1/2 in 5 gallon buckets to see if i get ppm fluctuation. 1000ppm...
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    Drastic ppm increase over one day/ aerated roots are shriveling and dieing

    Problem with drastic ppm change is continueing. after diluting it to 1000 ppms it increased to 1200 after going through a water cycle, we kept it at the 1200 ppms at that point. it stayed steady for a day and has now risen to 1460. my ebb and flow system cycles twice a day for 30 minutes. once...
  11. S

    Drastic ppm increase over one day/ aerated roots are shriveling and dieing

    System: ebb and flow water temp: 70F resevoir size 30gal. ph is 5.8 day one was 680 microsiemens (my meter measures in microsiemens) which i believe is relatively the same as ppm. day two (morning) ppm is reading 1236. Nutes: GH 3 Part (Floragro, FloraMicro, FloraBloom) at half strength My...