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  1. S

    New Grow: Leaves curling down, Need Help Plz (Pics Inlcuded)

    wat are you going to use next? imma try coco, u should too, ive heard nothing but good things about it. what do you think could be the cause of the problem, because not all my plants are actin up like that.
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    New Grow: Leaves curling down, Need Help Plz (Pics Inlcuded)

    Hey some of my girls are having weird leaves that are curling down. Can anyone gimme some input on how to solve this problem. Thanks in advance. This is my first grow by the way. I am almost going on to week 2 of flower. Soil: Pro-Mix Temp: High of 85 Low of 65 Pots: 7/10/15gal nursery Feed...
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    Yellowing on New Growth & Leaves Twisting, NEED HELP PLZ!!! VIDEO ATTACHED!

    iliveinaspaceship 2012, i really wasn't feeding them much i dont think umm here's my cycle 1. Ionic Grow 50% 2. Ionic Grow 25% 3. Ph'd Water you don't think i could be lacking something since i am using pro-mix (a bare soil mix) and light feeding? Unless you think that my cycle is a heavy...
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    Yellowing on New Growth & Leaves Twisting, NEED HELP PLZ!!! VIDEO ATTACHED!

    Light House, here's my last feeding: Ionic Grow (50%/50ml) Diamond Nectar (15tsp) Hydrozyme (40ml) Pro-Silicate (2tsp) Floralicious Plus (1tsp) *per 5gal PH: 6.0-6.3 Soil: Pro-Mix Temperature at night is around 69 deg. F and temp during the day is around 85 deg. F And yes i am foliar...
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    Yellowing on New Growth & Leaves Twisting, NEED HELP PLZ!!! VIDEO ATTACHED!

    I am using all size pots ranging from 3.5 gal to 15 gal, Square 3.5 pots, 7/10/15 circle regular black nursery pots. I try to water by weight and the finger in the soil test. I usually water when the plants are near drooping.
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    Yellowing on New Growth & Leaves Twisting, NEED HELP PLZ!!! VIDEO ATTACHED!

    If i can recall my ppm was around 500. Wat does e.c. mean? Here's my feeding: Ionic Grow (50%/50ml) Diamond Nectar (15tsp) Hydozyme (40ml) Pro-Silicate (2tsp) Floralicious Plus (1tsp) *per 5gal PH: 6.0-6.3 Soil: Pro-Mix Do you think it could be lacking something? IDK, this is my first grow...
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    Yellowing on New Growth & Leaves Twisting, NEED HELP PLZ!!! VIDEO ATTACHED!

    What do you guys think the cause of this yellowing and twisting of new growth can be? And how can I go about solving this?
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    Yellowing on New Growth & Leaves Twisting, NEED HELP PLZ!!! VIDEO ATTACHED!
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    New growth leaves curling down, need help plz (pics available)

    yeah im going to check my runoff ph of my soil on my next water n' i'll let u guys kno what it is. ***HOW DO YOU ROTATE THESE PICS AROUND???***
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    New growth leaves curling down, need help plz (pics available)

    Oh ok MBP. I've always kept the fan on them because i figured that's how to get strong stalks. But i didn't kno that excess moisture doesn't always mean over watering. Maybe the cold temp. at nights didn't help the plant release moisture. I got some updated pics: BEFORE AFTER **The after...
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    New growth leaves curling down, need help plz (pics available)

    I'm not 100% convince that it's over watering because when I watered the girls the leaves was drooping and the pot was light. I just put the duct fan on a timer so my temp at night should be above 60 deg. F. Before it was really cold at night, def. below 60 deg. F, maybe even below 50 deg...
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    New growth leaves curling down, need help plz (pics available)

    idk because the last feed was only 20ml of ionic grow per 5 gal, someone replied earlier bout cold nights which I believe I was having because I was having the duct fan blowin cold air in from the bud room into the veg room where those plants wit the leaves curling are, I didn't have the duct...
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    New growth leaves curling down, need help plz (pics available)

    I think that I am having cold nights, I will check the night temp and post that when I find out. the plants that I'm having this problem with are headband strain and I think the the stems are naturally purple. also my last feed I fed the plants only 20ml of ionic per 5 gal.
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    New growth leaves curling down, need help plz (pics available)

    what do u mean when u say a lotta N. That i should feed alotta N or that I am feeding too much N. Thanks for ur input by the way
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    New growth leaves curling down, need help plz (pics available)

    so what do you think my next feeding should be? should i flush?
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    New growth leaves curling down, need help plz (pics available)

    what do you think i should do? this is my first grow so i'm new at this.
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    New growth leaves curling down, need help plz (pics available)

    the last time that i watered the plants the leaves was drooping like it needed water, and then i checked the weight of the pot and it was pretty light.
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    New growth leaves curling down, need help plz (pics available)

    Hey I have some plants with new growth that is curling down, and I need help on how to solve this problem. Can someone help me out please. The strains that I am growing is Headband, Special Kush, Critical Plus, & Ozone. Only the headband and ozone strains have the leaves curling down on the new...