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  1. N

    What does Spraying Cola do?

    I just finished watching this video that was posted on the forum from this Canadian guy who shows you how to set up a badass grow room. I think he was talking about using a spray bottle with soda (or bubbly water or seltzer or whatever it's called) to spray your plants in the flowering stage for...
  2. N

    In the beginning was there light?...

    Alright, thank's for all the replies! By floros I assume we're talking about fluorescent lights, right?? (Sorry, total newb here....) Also how long should I keep them under floros for? And what sort of light/dark cycle should they get (12/12, 18/6....)? Thanks so much!
  3. N

    In the beginning was there light?...

    Sorry if this has already been asked, I couldn't quite put together an effective search phrase.... So let's say I've germinated my seeds and planted them in soil. Should I still keep them in the dark? And for how long? That's all! Thank's for the help!