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  1. S

    Slow veg down?

    Nice, they're growing under CFLs as well
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    Slow veg down?

    Thanks, its already been LST'd and topped. It's quite a lot smaller. I suppose the plant can be LST'd a bit more then!
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    Slow veg down?

    Hi is it possible to slow a vegging plant down by giving it less light? Another plant needs catching up. Will it affect yield or anything?
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    Plant Topped, About to start 12/12

    Ok thanks Does the plant need feeding and watering just as it would during veg when flowering?
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    Plant Topped, About to start 12/12

    It was topped and transplanted today. It was going to change to 12/12 tomorrow. It can hold out for a few more days then. Before actually making the change, what needs to be done? Nutes? Left in dark for 24 hours?
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    Plant Topped, About to start 12/12

    Hi, A plant has just been topped and re potted. Is it okay to start 12/12 a day after that? It's been vegging for about 4 weeks! Thanks
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    Topping, LSTing and Re-potting

    Hi, Is it a good idea to top and bend (Low Stress Train) a plant on the same date? Is it better to do it at different times? The plant is 4 weeks old and also needs re potting. Is this all too much for it at the same time? THank you :eyesmoke:
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    Slow Veg Question

    hi, I was just wondering if giving a plant a slow veg period by not giving it a lot of light will affect the quality/ amount of the bud? Basically a plant has been planted that needs to be flowered in the summer next year. So could it be vegged slowly under less intense light and brought...
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    Day old seedling

    My seedling is a day old, I'm just leaving it in normal room light (Not under my CFLs) until it produces its first leaves. Will doing it this way cause any harm? Will it just grow slower compared to putting them straight into intense light? Thanks
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    Do I actually need a grow box

    Ahh,what about if I the plant is surround all around the sides and top in light?
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    Do I actually need a grow box

    Like the title says, do I really need to grow a single plant in a box? Can I not just surround the corner of a room with lights, and place a desk fan to cool it? Let me know what you think, Thanks :blsmoke:
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    Light during seedling

    Thanks Should there be the usual 1 - 2 inch gap between the plant and light? Or can it be further?
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    Light during seedling

    Q: Does my plant need to be put straight into intense light while its a seedling? Or is there enough light on the window sill? If so, when should I place it into light at 18/6? Thanks
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    Complete newbie - Few questions

    Yeah, Sorry, I can get 2700k, I was just being approximate. What's the pros and cons to having them mixed, vs all the same?
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    Complete newbie - Few questions

    Cool With my 2 - 3 lights, should I use them ALL with daylight (5,000k) during veg, and then change them ALL with warm white (<,3000k) during flowering. Or Use both spectrum's at the same time through out?
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    Complete newbie - Few questions

    Yeah, probably going to do a few weeks vegetation. I would go 18/6 at that stage?
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    Complete newbie - Few questions

    Nice. I'm just trying to keep things simple, like I say it's a first time grow. Not overly fussed about the outcome. Maybe I could start in a PC case, and then find something else if/ when it gets bigger?
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    Complete newbie - Few questions

    I haven't actually decided. Is an everyday PC case too small? I have one to hand. It would be ideal as it already has holes to mount fans.
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    Complete newbie - Few questions

    Cool, Will try and add another CFL, then use 35w lamps!
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    Complete newbie - Few questions

    I haven't got any yet. I can quiet easily get some though, would you recommend something around 30 - 40w for two light CFL setup?