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  1. E

    Question about yield

    I veg with 500watt cfl like you but i will flower with 400 watt hps great site i already downloaded the free previews...
  2. E

    Question about yield

    Thanks for the replys guys thats a really good forum where i can find knowledge and technics about growing:weed:
  3. E

    Question about yield

    Thanks for your reply the haze was a free gift from the seeds combany so i put it with the indicas newbie stupidity i think:wall:...I planing to transplant my girls but transplantation is a difficult thing...I would like to know your opinion about the yield i will get...
  4. E

    Question about yield

    Thanks guys this is my first grow and i am in 30 day of vegging i hope that all will be alright:bigjoint:....
  5. E

    Question about yield

    Thanks for your reply thats a crazy yield espesially for my first grown if i yield so much i have to make new buddies just to share all that stuff with them...:lol:
  6. E

    Question about yield

    Thanks for your reply My are strains are one ak 47 one super cali haze 4 big bang pot size is 5 lt and i use biobizz liquid fertilizer
  7. E

    Question about yield

    Hi i am new in the world of growing and i trying to find answers in some questions.I am growing some strains(4 big bang,1 ak47,1 super cali haze)under 500watt of cfl,i also plan to start flowering them after forty days from seed under a 400watt hps can anybody tell me what yield sould i expect.I...