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  1. S

    TGA Nurse Jackie Seeds

    Hey guys im growing out a 10 pack of Nurse jackie seeds I can't find too much info on the strain other than the tga website If anyone has grown out the Nurse jackies from seed i would love to see some photos and maybe get some info if its out there. Thanks !
  2. S

    Super sour og , Strawberry cough.

    Thanks , ive grown the cough once before and had great results . It will be the end of week 5 on sunday , be sure to check out my channel for the update video !
  3. S

    Super sour og , Strawberry cough.

    Sweet so they should line up perfectly assuming thats correct . Is emerald triangle the only seed company selling ssog>? Did you grow out this strain yourself / where did you pick it up?
  4. S

    Super sour og , Strawberry cough.

    im currently growing both of these strains and would love some advice specifically with the super sour og , does anyone have an idea of its average flowering period length? You can check out my grow here on the tube
  5. S

    Super sour og , Strawberry cough

    Im currently growing both of these strains and was looking for any advice specifically for the super sour in regards to how long is its flowering period . Check out some of the vids of the current grow on the tube