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  1. rock380star

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Sorry in advance. I know I should put in the MH. I did use some supplemental 6500k cfls. 2 Sharksbreath clones late flower week 8? not sure. Completely organic. FFOF w/ plant tone, dolomite, ewc, bat guano 0-5-0 topdressed during preflower. Compost teas, seaweed/fish juice...
  2. rock380star

    Club 600

    I would have to agree with tryna, cutting off perfectly healthy leaves would cause more harm than good. Not only are your big fan leaves your "solar panels" but they are your plants "emergency supply depot" especially for the immobile and minor nutrients. Correct me if I'm wrong... I...
  3. rock380star

    Club 600

    Hello 600! I started out about a year ago with a bagseed. My first and current paid for seed was/is SharksBreath by DNA genetics. I tried to do daily pics on the first.... anyway heres the mother already done, followed by two clones currently in week 3-4 flower. More details soon.... its...
  4. rock380star

    "popcorn" bud site should i remove them?

    Hi, I'm attempting my first grow with CFL and it's doing pretty well. There are some small bud sites on the lower branches not getting enough light. does removing these sites increase the size/density/potency of the other, better lit sites?