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  1. Enkidu

    Erythromycin for brown slime cure

    waterdawg, your fine with what your doing, so long as the dose it right. I don't mean to say H2O2 is bad. There're a lot of benefits to be had with it. Like a preventative as in your case. I'm speaking more to the often prescribe action against a slime outbreak, where you would soak the...
  2. Enkidu

    Erythromycin for brown slime cure

    H2O2 certainly works to combat the slime. The problem I have with it is It stresses out the plants, and the slime always comes back, often within 24 hours after. So your constantly nuking with H2O2 and the plants are not happy. Tea on the other hand contains many things that plants just love...
  3. Enkidu

    Erythromycin for brown slime cure

    I was having problems with my clones too, globs of white snot and brown slime in the res. I use a DIY aero cloner like an ezclone, but what consistently works best for me is just straight tap water.(all tap water is different. results may vary) I watched some youtuber illustrating, that often...
  4. Enkidu

    Erythromycin for brown slime cure

    I've completed the 4 day treatment of EM (Erythromycin). Went with 20mg/gal as the more respectable sources seem to say "at a minimum of 200mg/10gal" . The good report is that it didn't seem to harm the plants even the slightest. I am a little dismayed though as it didn't seem to effect the...
  5. Enkidu

    Erythromycin for brown slime cure

    Heres a great compilation of an old discussion from 1992 aquarium newsgroup referenced in the article In my last post. I thought id post it here directly because it contains a lot of really good info.
  6. Enkidu

    Erythromycin for brown slime cure

    I went ahead and tried an Erythromycin treatment. Im on day 2 now with no signs of stress or negative effects for the plants. I've got a 20 gallon res on a ebb&flow/dwc/aero/NFT hybrid setup. w/ UV sterilizer in the res. Feeding with Dutchmaster Gold A&B - Liquid Light and Penetrator/saturator...
  7. Enkidu

    Erythromycin for brown slime cure

    I've certainly seen cases of people using erythromycin with success. Others not so much. same with every other method i guess. I just went out yesterday and picked up some to try for myself. I'd be interested if you've tried this for yourself yet or found any other significant information...
  8. Enkidu

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Washed roots last night and added tea. Already this morning (10hrs later) at least one plant is producing new white roots. I foliar fed with LL/Pen and was going to wait 24hr before adding nutrients (DMgold) .. I decided to leave the rocks in the res. not sure if this is a good idea or not but...
  9. Enkidu

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    some very unhappy girls The gymsock smell is nearly gone. Still no new root development though. I'm going to proceed with wash and new incoculation Question should i leave the rocks in the res after washing them off or given that the res is infected with slime and its...
  10. Enkidu

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I sprayed the roots pretty rough with tap water. This strips them pretty clean. I don't pull or tug on any though, many of the roots just fall off with the spray. I don't use any medium. From clone they are in a 2 in neoprene or EZClone disk. I then put the disk in a 2 in netpot and net pot...
  11. Enkidu

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    First post here. Heis', Thankyou for all of this. I've been battling the slime now for 8 months and gotten nowhere. I wish i had found this tread earlier as i've wasted a lot of time and money. I read the whole thing maybe 3 times now and have found your information invaluable. Your...