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  1. jgangstad

    Can You Use Blue and White Cfls during Flowering?

    i have two whites and two blue bulbs in there i should get red spectrum??
  2. jgangstad

    Can You Use Blue and White Cfls during Flowering?

    is better to use just cool whites or add blue with them?
  3. jgangstad

    Bonides Tomato and Blossom Spray

    does this stuff actually work??
  4. jgangstad

    Chronic Grow

    has anyone had success with bonides tomato and blossom spray???
  5. jgangstad

    Where Can I Buy the Y Adapters for the Cfls?

    ive tried wal mart and other places and i cant find the piece where you can put two cfls in in one plug in socket so if you know where i can get one please hook up the info~~
  6. jgangstad

    Had To Transplant 4 Weeks Into Flowering

    Where did you get that soil?/??
  7. jgangstad

    White Hairs Coming Out but Start Turning Red the Next Day

    my plant is flowering fine but when new hairs come out it doesnt take a day and they start turning red?????????? whats the deal????????
  8. jgangstad

    What Lights to Use?

    CFL!!!!! cheapest way to go
  9. jgangstad

    Three weeks flowering with pics how long till harvest????

    yea they are small plants man..but i aint trippin its a first timer! started budding in april so i brought it inside
  10. jgangstad

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    these outdoor plants keep on budding bro and its in may....pretty sure their not autos but was wondering what u think???
  11. jgangstad

    does light schedule have to be dead on 12 on 12 off for flowering???

    got a timer its all good bro's thanks!!!1
  12. jgangstad

    Plants Still Flowering Outside! Pics! It's May! Please Help

    lol aight i will take both into perspective and experiment! thanks guys!!!
  13. jgangstad

    Plants Still Flowering Outside! Pics! It's May! Please Help

    damn yea kevdogg thats what its lookin it isnt gonna re-veg for a while...but i got a question for u since your the only one who has experinced what im goin through. did you let the buds just die off?
  14. jgangstad

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    lol ya probly needs more setup is just a small flouro with 80 watts and 3800 lumens... the seed came out of some dank bud....the first pic is about three weeks in and the others is about four to five weeks in! thanks for the help!!
  15. jgangstad

    PICS! plants underneath a fluorescent t12 bulb flowering

    Yea i thought it was about two weeks to go but just been trying to get a honest opinion i really appreciate it man!!!!! but hey what you think about the first pic that ones only about three weeks in???
  16. jgangstad

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    How long till harvest??? Please help!!!!!
  17. jgangstad

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    how long till harvest????????
  18. jgangstad

    Plants Still Flowering Outside! Pics! It's May! Please Help

    lol yea i know man...thats the other thing i was thinking is there is nooooo way! its gonna be budding in this 100 degree weather.....HEY i dont know if you know anything about indoor growing but check out my other thread and post to let me know what you think please...
  19. jgangstad

    Can i clone these????

    wow thats crazy yeah i just read all about it...pretty crazy and sounds just a little bit complicated lol so does the clone stay on the plant or can u remove it?