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  1. C

    yellowing leaves

    Agreed, with Ph averaging etc lol... follow the simple guidelines and enjoy your reward!!
  2. C

    yellowing leaves

    Thats dependant on the severity though...old age naturally cause lower leaves to yellow but not at the top of plant..
  3. C

    yellowing leaves

    When growing in soil any fertilizer you use can cause an excess build up of salts when it decomposes in the soil. This almost always results in a more acidic soil which stunts the plant's growth and causes brown foliage. A Cannabis plant can also show signs of a pH flux in several ways. The...
  4. C

    yellowing leaves

    light note for ref: -.2 Battery Acid 1.2 Gastric fluid 2.2 Lemon juice 3.6 Orange juice 4.4 Beer 5.6 Pure Rain 6.6 Milk 7.0 Distilled water (H<sub>2</sub>O) 8.0 Seawater 9.2 Baking soda (NaHCO<sub>3</sub>) 10.6 Milk of Magnesia (Mg(OH)<sub>2</sub>) 11.4 Household ammonia (NH<sub>3</sub>) 12.8...
  5. C

    yellowing leaves

    ideally 5.8-6.2ph test the run off with what you got and use ph down or up as required
  6. C

    yellowing leaves

    And no 12/12 switch does not cause lock out...
  7. C

    yellowing leaves

    Yellowing could be, nitrogen deficiency, purple stems could be phosphorus deficiency or cold temperatures...maybe these symptoms are due to nute lock out...check Ph of your medium...if within right range review you nutrient levels and increase them slightly.....with soil you maybe overloading...
  8. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    Yeah mate as it started flowering on its own accord....the other two are in day twenty of 12/12 now also...Dont know if its me but the pistils on them do not seem as prolific as i would have expected at this point....may be because im using the purple haze as a point of reference, god...
  9. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    this is the autoflower purple haze they sent in error...its way ahead of others so am stuck inbetween a rock and a hard place lol does it look like its coming on nicely?? started 12/12 on 10th of dec...
  10. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    Okay pal ill send you a pic..
  11. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    Do you think i should trim any leaves off the indicas? will this help with flower production?...all leaves are healthy for your reference pal
  12. C

    fern smell?

    I'm having the same issue...even though i have a carbon filter hooked up, although the smells not coming from the exhaust, so i imagine its coming from the circular opening of the tent which ive now shut so i will wait and see...Do you have a carbon filter? because they work great
  13. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    F**k, okay noted thanks..and re: my other posts?
  14. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    Just to add mate...the other two indicas are only showing a few small pistils with no real development at that point when pics were taken on day 8...What are your thoughts? i do understand its only early...
  15. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    *Beginning to bud
  16. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    Think that purple haze must have been an autoflower that they sent in error, as it was being to bud in 18/6...thats too far ahead for 10 days 12/12 isnt it?
  17. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    Came home today to find my timer has bloody broke F**king b&q!! from 12am-12pm (dark period) the light etc has not switched off, so theyve had 24hrs light...ive turned them off now although they should be back in light period and gonna give them 24hrs dark to get them back into usual routine...
  18. C

    Impossible to get OK bud yield insmall pot?

    I'd probably re-pot now mate, as its easier to remove the plant if it does get too root bound...I literally had to yank mine out of their 8'' diameter pots after about 5 weeks veg as the roots were spilling out of the bottoms!! I use 7l pots now and even then 8days into flower hey seeing...
  19. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    Your a star!! thanks mate