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    any dispensaries in so. cal with kush clones

    does any one know of any dispensaries in so. cal where i can place an order of clones like 20 or 30
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    anyone here been to a dispensary in nor. Cal

    oh man! thanks a bunch og and bubba my favorite so just one more question if i decide to go and try to pick up like on a p whats the best way to approach them or who do you think i should talk to if u have any idea cause i know its kind of unusual tp just walk in and ask for an amount like...
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    anyone here been to a dispensary in nor. Cal

    what kind of kush selection do they carry there
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    anyone here been to a dispensary in nor. Cal

    thanks alot hobb3s good lookin and yeah i already have a med card
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    anyone here been to a dispensary in nor. Cal

    actually im from wilmington ca
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    anyone here been to a dispensary in nor. Cal

    or those prices straight out the shop whats up do u have any name or how i would go on about getting the adress
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    anyone here been to a dispensary in nor. Cal

    where is this at can i get some names of some spots im nearby in the san pedro area and are you talking about the price straight out the med shop
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    anyone here been to a dispensary in nor. Cal

    what part of cal do u live what are average price on a pound in your area
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    anyone here been to a dispensary in nor. Cal

    whats average price on some good quality kush
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    anyone here been to a dispensary in nor. Cal

    if so ive always wondered what are the price range on like an ounce and whats the limit of amount of weed u can purchase out there? out here in so. Cal the most ive been able to purchase has been 4 ounces at 350 a piece of some good quality kush any1 knows of some spots please let me know
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    question about water pump please help

    forgot 2 mention if possible how long would i have to run the pump 4
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    question about water pump please help

    so here is the question I have 2 4x4 tables that i want to set up a 25-30 sites each in 4" rockwool cubes with 2gph drip emiters i have a 20 gallon reservoir with a 396gph pump would this work also can some one give me a personal opinion on what they think is best SLABS or the tables filled...
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    rockwool sitting on slabs

    can someone please tell me the purpose of the cubes on the slabs and like under what type of set up should that be used best what the difference with the cubes just sitting on the tables
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    Question About Co2 Regulator Please Help

    the regulator only reads in psi and kpa is one of these the same as ppm or how do you get the ppm
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    Question About Co2 Regulator Please Help

    Quick Question Just Wanted To Make Sure Well Running Your Co2 The Regulator Reads In Psi And Kpa But I Thought Your Suppose To Read In Ppm
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    Med Patient Looking 4 Clones

    By Any Chance Would U Have The Adress Or The Full Name So I Can Look It Up
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    Med Patient Looking 4 Clones

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    someone please help with drip setup

    yes well i been trying to understand how to set up a drip system and having a hard time can someone please help and set me in the right direction i will be using 2 4x4 beds with 2 20 gallon reservors ang growing 35 plants in each in 4inch rockwool cubes thanks
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    someone please help with drip setup

    well yes im a little confused and havent been able to put a drip system together can someone please help and set me in the right direction as far as everything i need to put it together i have 2 4x4 beds with 2 20 gallon reservors and i will be growing 35 plants in each bed with 4inch rockwool...
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    need help with drip system

    need help to set up drip system! yes well i have 2 4x4 beds and 2 20 gallon reservors and want to set up a drip system but have no ideas on how to set it up or what i need i will be using 35 4inch rockwool cubes in each bed can someone please help